Director of Operations
The farmhouse of a rural family is declared unfit for habitation. While part of the family fights to save the space their ancestors built, the younger ones imagine where they could go.
Director of Operations
What's on the other side of Fornells bay? Pepe el Malo is an urban legend or he really existed? This documentary doesn't try to shed light on the dark; it rather plays deftly with the ambiguities of a character that is part of the Menorcan imaginary.
Director of Operations
After consolidating itself as a tourist destination in the mid-1960s, this small coastal village has become the dormitory town for the workers of a Nuclear Power Plant. With the liberal promise of prosperity and socioeconomic wellfare, many workers left their homes to move to the small city and started working at the new Nuclear Power Plant. The collective unrest and the silence, cut off by the great gusts of wind, articulate the landscape of the village that is now under the aid of the Nuclear Power Plant.
한 해 동안 출전한 모든 대회 석권을 달성한 최초의 클럽 자신들의 기록에 도전하는 최고의 축구 클럽 FC바르셀로나. 토탈사커의 창시자 ‘요한 크루이프’ 부터 클럽 최전성기를 이끈 ‘호셉 과르디올라’, 그리고, 축구의 신 ‘리오넬 메시’까지! 축구 역사에 한 획을 그은 선수들이 최초로 밝히는 바르샤 117년의 생생한 역사!그들만의 정신과 시스템! 그리고, 피할 수 없는 라이벌 매치 ‘엘클라시코’의 숨은 비화.. 처음 공개되는 FC바르셀로나의 모든 것. 지금부터, 그들의 새로운 역사가 시작된다!