엉뚱한 발명가 플린트가 또 일을 냈다! 물로 거대한 음식을 만들어내던 플린트의 기계가 이번엔 살아 있는 푸드 몬스터를 만들어 낸 것. 햄버거미, 악어타코, 메론염소, 수박코끼리 등등 푸드 몬스터들이 사람들을 먹어버리기 전에 어서 빨리 그들을 막아야 해! 플린트와 친구들이 함께하는 짜릿한 모험이 시작됐다. 자, 이제 다 함께 꿀꺽퐁당 섬으로 출~발!
"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis is a 20th Century Classic. But the man behind the magical world of Narnia is the key to an even greater true story. This DVD opens the real wardrobe door to reveal the true life of Clive Staples Lewis, better known throughout his life as "Jack". Retrace his footsteps from his childhood home in Northern Ireland to Oxford, where C.S. Lewis lived the quiet life of a University Professor. Understand the hidden imagination behind Aslan the lion, Mr & Mrs Beaver, Susan & Edmund and the White Witch! C.S. Lewis' most famous work inspired the Hollywood Movie industry - in his own story there is tragedy, joy, love, war, faith and peace.