Set In Manhattan's Central Park, this film is the poignant story of a teenage girl's encounter with a homeless old woman (movingly portrayed by distinguished actress Mildred Dunnock) who carries all her belongings around in shopping bags. This encounter eventually leads to the girl's understanding of the problems of aging and the dignity of all individuals, regardless of their place in society.
Set In Manhattan's Central Park, this film is the poignant story of a teenage girl's encounter with a homeless old woman (movingly portrayed by distinguished actress Mildred Dunnock) who carries all her belongings around in shopping bags. This encounter eventually leads to the girl's understanding of the problems of aging and the dignity of all individuals, regardless of their place in society.
'Hester Street'는 유대인 이민자 인 Yankel Bogovnik과 함께 그의 가족이 Lower East Side에서 새로운 삶을 살게됩니다. 그의 아내 Gitl (Carol Kane)과 아들이 도착하기 3 년 전에 이민을했던 그는 미국의 삶에 빨리 동화되어 다른 여자와 사랑에 빠졌습니다. 그의 아내가 도착했을 때, 그녀는 그녀가“미국인”이 아니며 자신이 원하는만큼 빨리 동화하는데 어려움을 겪고 있음을 알게되는데...
Angel and Big Joe is a 1975 American short drama film directed by Bert Salzman and starring Paul Sorvino and Dadi Pinero. It tells the story of a friendship between a migrant boy and an electrician who has greater ambitions. The film won an Oscar at the 48th Academy Awards in 1976 for Best Short Subject.
A young Indian inherits a tribal artifact from his grandfather and decides whether to keep it or trade it for a new TV.
A stripper/fortune teller uses a magical Haitian amulet to keep young, and in so doing forces others to kill for her.
Man in Bar
A stripper/fortune teller uses a magical Haitian amulet to keep young, and in so doing forces others to kill for her.