A joyous family reunion becomes a hilarious nightmare as Madea and the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unpleasant family secrets.
When a group of escaped convicts come across and old looking inn they decide to hide out there. But the guests at this inn get a new kind of room service when a mysterious potion summons a demon and causes a bloodthirsty zombies to rise from their graves in search of live prey.
When a group of escaped convicts come across and old looking inn they decide to hide out there. But the guests at this inn get a new kind of room service when a mysterious potion summons a demon and causes a bloodthirsty zombies to rise from their graves in search of live prey.
When a group of escaped convicts come across and old looking inn they decide to hide out there. But the guests at this inn get a new kind of room service when a mysterious potion summons a demon and causes a bloodthirsty zombies to rise from their graves in search of live prey.