Richard Banel

출생 : 1988-01-22, Toronto, Canada

참여 작품

The Interrogation of Michael Crowe
Joshua Treadway
The lives of Escondido, California residents Cheryl and Stephen Crowe change one morning when they find their twelve year old daughter Stephanie Crowe stabbed to death in her bedroom. As procedure dictates, the police take each member of the household away individually to be questioned, and the remaining children - fourteen year old Michael Crowe and adolescent Shannon Crowe - are taken into protective custody until Cheryl and Stephen can be cleared. The police end up placing much of their focus on the sullen Michael, who they question without counsel and without discussion with his parents. The tone of the police questioning is that they believe Michael did kill his sister, the police lying, harassing and coercing in the process. Under the barrage of questioning, Michael eventually confesses, as do two of his friends, both questioned under the same threatening tone. Cheryl and Stephen, who are finally made aware of the questioning and the confessions...
A Mother's Fight for Justice
Alex Stone
A mother's quest for justice when her son is critically injured by a drunk driver.
엣지 오브 더 로드
1942년 폴란드를 배경으로 유대인인 주인공 소년이 유대인 강제연행이 심한 크라쿠프를 피해 작은 마을로 오게 된 이후의 이야기를 그리고 있다. 할리 조엘 오스먼트가 나치의 침공 당시 살아남은 유대인 소년으로 윌렘 데포가 폴란드 성직자로 출연한다.