Ellie Rogers

참여 작품

At the height of summer, two rowdy young boys spend the afternoon tearing through the countryside. But when they come across an electric fence a competitive game sparks something unexpected between them.
They Found Her In a Field
Haunted by the death of her classmate and first love, Martha returns, ten years on, to their old meeting place. But as the memories of their relationship come flooding back, she must confront the tragic mystery that put an end to it.
They Found Her In a Field
Haunted by the death of her classmate and first love, Martha returns, ten years on, to their old meeting place. But as the memories of their relationship come flooding back, she must confront the tragic mystery that put an end to it.
파이널 스코어
전직 미 육군 출신의 마이클은 자신의 부하였던 앤디가 자신 때문에 죽었다는 죄책감으로 그의 아내와 딸을 지극정성으로 돌본다. 어느 날, 축구를 좋아하는 앤디의 딸 대니를 위해 함께 축구 경기를 보러 가는 마이클. 하지만, 정체를 알 수 없는 무장 단체에 의해 축구장이 폐쇄됐다는 사실을 알게 된다. 혼란스러운 축구장 안에서 설상가상으로 대니 마저 잃어버리게 된 마이클은 대니와 5,000명의 관중을 살리기 위해 혼자 힘으로 무장 단체에 맞서기로 하는데…
A teenage girl unexpectedly spends an evening with her father's hired escort. Despite an initial prejudice a bond develops between them as the escort recognises the girl's feelings towards a delivery girl and offers to help.
A teenage girl unexpectedly spends an evening with her father's hired escort. Despite an initial prejudice a bond develops between them as the escort recognises the girl's feelings towards a delivery girl and offers to help.