Roberto Bianchi

참여 작품

Si vive una volta sola
Umberto, Lucia and Corrado discover that their co-worker and friend Umberto is terminally ill, but they can't bring themselves to tell him. They decide instead to organize him an unforgettable holiday trip to the South.
Poveri ma ricchissimi
The Tucci family discovers that they have not really lost all their money and, refusing to pay Italian taxes, decides to turn Torresecca into a tax haven, relying on a post-Italian unification bureaucratic oversight.
Nine and a Half Moons
Two contrasting visions of life: on the one hand, the "rock" and adventurous of the brave Livia, cellist without maternal instinct; on the other hand, the reassuring routine of his sister Tina, shy urban vigilant with an ardent desire for maternity.
Una casa nel cuore
When a man disappears and leaves a daughter and mother in heavy debt they have to live on a houseboat to make ends meet. - IMDB
A peruca de Aquiles
Production Director
굿바이 키스
평범한 인생을 살고 싶어하지만 실패하는 테러리스트에 관한 영화.
Something to Believe In
Reports of a weeping Madonna in Italy reach Las Vegas, where blackjack dealer Maggie has just learnt she has only weeks to live. With a massive leap of faith she convinces herself that seeing the Madonna with her own eyes could lead to her salvation, and travels to Europe to find it. Hitching through Italy, she meets pianist Mike, who is also en route to what he believes could be a life-changing event - a performance at the Barbarina concert in Naples.
Il mercante di schiave
Il frate del convento in Maremma