세미팔라틴스크 러시아 핵실험장 인근 카자흐스탄. 무자비한 핵실험으로 비참하게 희생당한 카자흐 생존자들은 자신들의 실상을 알리고 반격을 가하고자 러시아에서 무자비한 인질 테러를 강행한다. 이때 인질이 된 가족을 구하려는 전직 특수부대원은 정부의 만류에도 테러범들과의 처절한 대결을 벌인다.
The film is an attempt to recreate the world of Marc Chagall and his myth within the genre of a folklore ballad. We are not exploiting Chagall's images, but are attempting to create a dramatized projection of his creativity onto the movie screen, relying on both, facts and fantasy (as Chagall himself would).The story is based on real events which occurred at the time of Chagall's short-lived period in Vitebskin in 1917-18, during which time he creates the Academy of Modern Art, inspired by his dreams of a bright and beautiful future. Many pictures by Chagall and Malevich are used in the film.