Laura Jean Marsh

Laura Jean Marsh

프로필 사진

Laura Jean Marsh

참여 작품

He Takes The Lead
A young man struggling with fatherhood adopts the role of the father he never knew to comfort his mother in her final days.
기디 스트래터스피어스
Loss and love in the storm of guitars and broken glass that was the 2000s UK indie music scene​.
기디 스트래터스피어스
Loss and love in the storm of guitars and broken glass that was the 2000s UK indie music scene​.
기디 스트래터스피어스
Loss and love in the storm of guitars and broken glass that was the 2000s UK indie music scene​.
1945: 포인트 오브 노 리턴
Rosa Alexandrova
러시아군과 대치 중 전열에서 낙오된 ‘브랜트’중위의 부대는 다시 아군에 합류하기 위한 과정에서 러시아 의무병들을 생포하게 된다. 적과의 불편한 동행을 하게 되면서 부하들은 점점 불만이 쌓여가게 되고, 사로잡힌 러시아 의무병들 역시 탈출을 위해 호시탐탐 기회를 노리는데…
The Last Bite
The Last Bite is an art-house feature film about Carlos, a tormented artist living in London. Carlos' perspective on life changes when he meets Veronica, an other-worldly woman.
Cannibals and Carpet Fitters
A group of carpet fitters are sent on a job to an old Country house in the middle of nowhere. However they soon discover it's a trap set up by the savage, cannibalistic family, The Hannings. The carpet fitters are forced to fight for their lives or risk ending up being the evenings dinner. Unfortunately they are not quite your typical heroes!
Scott and Sid
From their first encounter as teenagers in high school, Scott and Sid seem unlikely friends. Scott is a shambolic dreamer, intent on carving out his own path in life and holding up a metaphorical middle finger to anyone who tries to stop him. He is a quintessential troubled teen: on his fifth high school by the age of fifteen, alienated from his peers, crippled by recurring nightmares and disliked by his own foster parents. Sid, on the other hand, wants nothing more than to be liked. An unconfident, awkward recluse through circumstance, Sid's impoverished and dysfunctional background leave him no time for friends and no money for hobbies.