Sound Director
In pursuit of the dream of finding their place in modern Moscow, the heroes of the film are desperately trying to become the best version of themselves. At the beginning of autumn, their lives will intertwine, and before the first snow, each of them will have to learn to be themselves.
Sound Director
A deal on assigning for property reveals more new rules and laws of the society in the nearest future. The rates haven’t been so high. Status is everything. Love is nothing.
How to become a grown up? Paint your nails, cut your own bangs and give up the old, too childish toy. But is it worth being in a hurry?
Foley Editor
인간 문명의 황금기를 맞은 2157년. 프리랜서 우주 비행조종사들은 행성 간의 여행을 즐기기에 이른다. 우주를 비행하던 22살의 막심은 갑작스런 운석과의 충돌로 불시착하게 된다. 그 곳은 지구에서 먼 사락쉬(Saraksh) 행성! 사람이 살고 있다는 사실에 신기해하며 적응해나가는 것도 잠시, 그 행성의 사람들은 그를 위협하기 시작하는데…
Sound Director
A film about curses sent by ancestors and the Komi-Permyak people, for whom these are still very real, perhaps even more so than material things.