Mikhail Gagarin

출생 : 1993-02-10, Yalta, Ukraine (Russia)

참여 작품

The Eternal Life of Alexander Christoforov
The misanthrope Alexander Christoforov, nicknamed "Alec", is a hopeless loser. The actor, who was celebrated in the Soviet era as the hero of "Eugene Onegin", is carving out a depressing existence as a bad paid figure of a ridicule historical show. Despised by his ex-wife, alienated from his son, Alec has totally screwed up his life. But when diagnosed with a mortal illness, he sets off on a ludicrous tour de force at the end of which a piece of eternity surprisingly awaits him - A comedy with a happy end.
스키타이: 불멸의 전사
트무타라칸 대국에서 가장 충성스러운 전사’류토보르’는 어느 날 내부자의 음모로 반역자로 몰리게 되고, 아내와 어린 아들도 납치된다. 그는 가족을 구하기 위해 자신을 죽이려 했던 스키타이족 ‘쿠니차’와 함께 위험한 여정을 떠나게 되는데… 과연 ‘료토보르’는 자신의 목숨을 노리는 수 많은 적들을 물리치고 무사히 가족들을 구하고 명예를 되찾을 수 있을 것인가?
Name Me
A practical joke ends up very wrong in Nigina Sayfullaevas curious youth drama. Two seventeen year old Moscow girls, Olya and Sasha, are visiting Olya's long lost father who lives in Crimea, when they decide to switch places and pretend to be the other person to the father. Little do they know that their joke comes with consequenses that will change their lives forever.