Joey Pacheco

Joey Pacheco


Joey Pacheco is a Canadian citizen, who took an interest in acting at the age of 10. Even when Joey was just a little boy, he always loved entertaining his family and friends. Joey was first seen on the TV series "Hip Hop with Travis Lim", as a backup dancer in 2016. In 2017, he was cast as "Young Eric" in the LifetimeTV movie "Menendez: Blood Brothers". Joey's most recent role, was "Owen Kavinsky" (Peter's brother) in the Netflix movie "To All The Boy's I've Loved Before". By the age of 5, Joey started dancing, and performing in front of an audience at numerous dance competitions. After a few years of trying all styles, Joey found his passion for hip hop and tap. Joey has traveled all over the world with dance. Two of Joey's major awards have been, a Gold Medal in Ontario, at the "Canadian Hip Hop Championships", and a Silver Medal in Arizona, at "Hip Hop International Championships". He also represented Canada in 2017, for the Canadian Hip Hop Team in Denmark. Joey continues to train in scene study, audition technique, on camera technique, character development, hip hop, and tap.

프로필 사진

Joey Pacheco

참여 작품

내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게: 언제나 그리고 영원히
한국으로 가족 여행을 다녀왔다. 대학 입시는 결과만 기다리면 된다. 고등학교 졸업을 앞둔 라라 진. 하지만 새로운 고민이 시작된다. 나의 미래, 거기에도 피터가 있을까?
내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게
Owen Kavinsky
지금까지 다섯 명. 짝사랑의 마음을 몰래 편지로만 남겨두었던 라라 진. 그런데 어느 날, 그들에게 쓴 비밀 러브레터가 발송됐다. 어떻게? 그건 중요하지 않다. 어제의 라라 진은 사라졌으니까.