Wang Chengsi

Wang Chengsi

출생 : 1983-10-10, Datong,Shanxi,China

프로필 사진

Wang Chengsi

참여 작품

Meet The Evil Spirits
This film takes place during the Republic of China period and tells the story of Mu Yuan, who is on the brink of death. In his mind, he creates a new identity for himself as the police officer, Zhao Ren. As Zhao Ren uncovers the truth of a series of thrilling and bizarre events, Mu Yuan also completes his inner redemption before his death. This is a philosophical story with a gripping plot and about spiritual redemption. The message they’d like to convey to the audience is that only by bravely facing past mistakes and hardships can we truly resolve our inner turmoil and emerge from the shadows, and begin a new life. (Source: iQiyi)
Better Man
Tears of the Queen
The story of a Tang Tang who traveled in time into the territory of the Western Regions. Along with his motorcycle.
Super Substitute
A hilarious romantic comedy about a young man, Jong Sung-kyu, who works as a professional stand-in for a mysterious rich boy in order to turn his life around and encounters multiple surprises.
Line 1 Artist Agent
달을 방패삼아 소행성 충돌을 막으려던 ‘달 방패 계획’의 실패로 결국 소행성은 지구로 충돌하고, 달에 홀로 버려져 있던 달기지 정비공 ‘독고월(独孤月, 두구위에)’은 엉겁결에 우주에서 살아남은 마지막 인류가 된다. 그러던 어느 날, 지구에서 보내온 시그널을 감지한 독고월은 모든 것을 걸고 지구로의 귀환을 준비한다. 독고월은 과연 무사히 지구로 귀환할 수 있을까?
The Mad Game
The Alternative Militia Ge Erdan
Another Me
After finding himself looking exactly the same as the crown prince, a constable decides to change his identity.
Second Detective Returns
Make Your Move! Look For Sword!
Master of Shadowless Sect
Sales wizard Ma Xiaoyuan (Yu Kening) is a hard actor with a lot of ideas, making a lot of money from his title as the heir of the Shadowless Sect. But The town is in danger when the demon king, who is trapped under the sword of the master of the Shadowless Sect, is about to come out.
My Fair Dad
Wang Banxian
The film tells the story of an accidental soul exchange between a father and a daughter who are separated by many distances, and gradually eliminate the barriers and understand each other in the process of pursuing each other's dreams
Warm Hug
About a boy with an OCD, who originally thought he was an insulator of friendship and love, but after meeting a unique doctor and a careless girl, staged a love story about the healing of yin and yang.
Because of Love
Lao Hai
Hoping to win over his love, a bankrupt man asks his mysterious millionaire aunt for help.
Da Cong Ming
아마추어 축구단의 골키퍼로 생계를 유지하는 주인공인 왕둬위(王多鱼)가 대만 부호의 ‘황당한 제안’을 받아들이면서 벌어지는 다양한 해프닝을 그린 영화. 그 제안은 바로 한달안에 10억위안을 모조리 사용하는 것 !
당인가탐안 2
Cross Eye
'당인(唐仁)'은 거액의 상금을 위해 '진풍(秦风)'을 속여 뉴욕에서 열리는 세계명탐정대회에 참가하게 된다. 당인가(唐人街)에서 영향력있는 '七叔'의 손자를 죽인 살인자를 찾는 것이 이 대회의 목적이고 대회에서 이기면 거액의 상금을 얻는다! '당인(唐仁)'과 '진풍(秦风)'은 다시한번 힘을 합쳐 사건 해결에 나서는데...
Never Say Die
Xiu Nian
A boxer and a journalist accidentally exchange bodies after they are struck by current, embarking a series of adventures.
굿바이 미스터 루저
갑자기 과거로 간 주인공이 새로운 삶과 사랑을 경험하며 현재의 소중함을 깨닫는 내용