Nahuel Cano

Nahuel Cano

출생 : , Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina


Nahuel Cano was born in Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina, in 1982. He lives and works in Buenos Aires. He is an actor, director, and teacher.

프로필 사진

Nahuel Cano

참여 작품

Manuel Fernández
18세기 아순시온의 스페인 장교 자마는 새 부임지로의 발령을 간절히 기다리지만, 왕의 전갈은 도착할 기미가 없다. 안토니오 디 베네데토의 원작 소설을 아르헨티나의 여성 거장 감독 루크레시아 마르텔이 영화로 옮긴 작품. 감독 특유의 시적 화면과 실존에 대한 성찰이 돋보인다.
El Corral
Rafa is 28 years old and lives with his parents in a small town in the province. Their daily life begins to suffocate him when his desires go beyond the narrow limits of the town.
The Mural of Siqueiros
Antonio Berni
David Alfaro Siqueiros, recognized Mexican muralist, travels to Argentina in the thirties with the purpose of giving a few conferences and paint a mural of revolutionary subject matter, which faces local political rejection. The press mogul head of the newspaper Critica, Natalio Botana, personal friend to the President of the Nation Agustín P. Justo, propose Siqueiros to collaborate in the cultural supplement of the diary and paint a mural in the basement of his Villa Los Granados. Siqueiros accepts and does that his wife the poet Blanca Luz Brum meets him, his arrival to Los Granados and his romance with Botana provokes the jealousies of his powerful anarchist wife Salvadora Medina Onrubia and Siqueiros himself, which turns the Villa almost in one of the scenes of the Ejercicio Plástico, how Siqueiros named his work.