Saveliy Kudryashov

Saveliy Kudryashov

출생 : 2010-01-22,

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Saveliy Kudryashov
Saveliy Kudryashov
Saveliy Kudryashov

참여 작품

Баба Яга спасает мир
Our days. Curious schoolboy Senka finds himself in a fairy-tale forest, hidden from human eyes by the spell of Yaga. To cast the spell again, Yaga goes to a modern city in search of a magical wonderful color. In the city, Koshchei, who remained alive after the battle with Ivan Tsarevich, has been waiting for a meeting with Yaga for a thousand years. Koschei is hiding in a dark dungeon and wants revenge, because it was Yaga who helped defeat him. There will be a new battle of good and evil. The winner will be the one who will be supported by the schoolboy Senka, who until the last did not believe that he was in a fairy tale.
In 1942, Red Army officer Nikolai Kiselyov receives orders to evacuate over 200 Jewish women, children, and elderly men facing brutality and death in Nazi-occupied Belarus. These exhausted, starving, terrified and bereaved people, deeply scarred by the horrors they have witnessed, must trek hundreds of kilometers along forest paths to regain hope of survival and faith in the future.
Wings Above Berlin
The year is 1941. Nazi Germany has declared war on the USSR and begins launching air assaults on Moscow and St. Petersburg. Stalin immediately orders a retaliatory air campaign under the code name “Wings over Berlin.” The closest entry point to Berlin from the USSR border was an airfield on the Estonian island Saaremaa in the Baltic Sea. It would be a 7-hour flight over enemy territory in outdated aircraft leaving no chance of survival for the tail crew members in case of attack. Despite overwhelming odds, the first units completed the mission and made it back to base safely, unlike many others that followed.
Our Children
A magical performance in the circus on the eve of the New Year miraculously twists the fates of two girls absolutely different from each other. Sonya lives with a rich dad - the owner of a candy empire, and Katya and her brother Kolya grow up in an orphanage. They are not familiar, but they are united by the love of fairy tales about the sweet Kingdom, which were composed by Sonya's mother, a famous children's writer. That's just her story is not enough finals. Sonya is sure that the last page of her mother's tale will bring happiness to her family, and for this she is even ready to exchange places with Katya.
Snow Maiden Against Everyone
The main qualities of 45-year-old businessman Yevgeny Vasin are the brilliant mind, thanks to which he became rich, and the disgusting character, which turns the life of the businessman's relatives and subordinates into a real hell. On New Year's Eve, Vasin knocks down Santa Claus in a car and, instead of providing help, steals a Christmas tree and leaves. Punishment is inevitable. Santa Claus transmits Evgeny's soul into the body of his Snow Maiden. Now, in the image of his grandfather's helper, Vasin will have to deliver gifts to all those whom he has offended, humiliated or insulted, to look at himself from the outside and check whether his life and the life of his family are similar to the fairy tale that Yevgeny drew for himself.
Sumo Kid
Vitya Kasatkin has an unusual hobby - he is engaged in Japanese sumo wrestling. His love for sumo was instilled in him by his father, who left the family 8 years ago and went to Japan. For many years, the boy has been living with one dream - to get to a youth tournament in Japan, in the hope that his father will see him, understand that he was wrong, and return to them.
Young Misha Kalashnikov
1941년, 소련군 ‘미하일 칼라시니코프’는 제2차 세계대전에 T-34의 전차장으로 참전했다가 중상을 입게 된다. 고향으로 돌아가던 중 소련군 총기의 설계 결함으로 독일군에게 다시 한 번 죽다 살아나게 되고, 그는 독일군에 대항할 수 있는 수제 소총을 설계하기로 결심한다. 발명한 무기를 군대에서 사용하기 위해 거쳐야하는 무기경진대회 우승을 위해 소총 개발에 매진하게 되는데...
Ivan's Happiness
Reflections of the shift worker Ivan, who, due to life circumstances, overcomes more than 9000 km to return home. On his way he meets many interesting people: military, students, mothers with children, men, women, old people. The landscapes outside the window, time zones, people are changing. But their stories remain, stories about life, love, hope and faith.
Mommy's Calf
1980. A small village in the Urals. Little Vitya learns that a newborn calf will forget its mother tomorrow. He decides to bring the calf back to his mother to another village at any cost. Yegor, Vitya’s elder brother, can’t let his younger one go alone. So, without telling his parents, the children go on a trip.
Vasya - an adventurer and a fraudster - gets to the hospital. His roommate Gena dies, and Vasya becomes the only person who knows about the meeting of Gena with his son, whom he never saw. Vasya decides on his biggest scam - he goes to a meeting and impersonates Gena. How far is Vasya ready to go this time?
Van Goghs
Young Mark
Mark Ginzburg is a talented artist who is always depressed. He's 52, but personal and professional success has escaped him. Many years ago, Mark moved from his native Riga to Tel Aviv to get away from his oppressive father, Viktor, who still supports him financially. Victor Ginzburg is a famous conductor. His work is his life. He never cared about Mark's feelings and tried to mold his son in his own image. Their highs and lows turned long ago into a love-hate relationship. More hate than love. Father calls his son by his childhood nickname Birdie, which infuriates the son. Son calls his father Your Majesty, which infuriates the father. After Viktor is diagnosed with a fatal illness, the father and son set off on a difficult journey that leads from hate to love.
The Lights
The story of friendship, help and the importance of maintaining family ties. We really want to give each of you a fairy tale. It's time to go home!
Kaleydoskop sudby
Drunk major Anton Losev knocks down a schoolgirl at a pedestrian crossing, a girl in a coma. The case is led by investigator Olga Vishnevetskaya. The powerful Losev family hopes to easily hush up the case by "buying" the investigator. However, Vishnevetskaya does not make any compromises. Three years ago, the same drunk major knocked her husband to death. Now Olga is doing everything to make Anton Losev go to jail.
스페이스 워커
Young Alexey Leonov
미국과 소련은 급속한 냉전 시대 속에서 우주의 열망을 꿈꾸고 있었다. 두 나라 모두 2인 유인 우주선 발사에 총력을 기울였고, 소련의 노련한 비행사인 알렉세이에게 이 중대한 임무가 주어지게 된다. 약 2년 동안의 훈련을 거쳐 드디어 1965년 3월 소련이 먼저 우주선 발사에 성공하게 된다. 발사 성공에 모두의 기쁨도 잠시, 우주선의 이상으로 곧 착륙할 위기에 놓인 알렉세이와 그의 동료는 어쩔 수 없는 불시착을 시도하고 항공우주센터에서 포착할 수 없는 눈으로 뒤 덮인 어디론가 착륙하게 된다. 인류 최초의 2인 유인 우주선의 주인공이었던 알렉세이와 그의 동료는 이 위기를 벗어날 수 있을 것인가?
The Edge of the Broken Moon
The film tells about a teenage girl Sonya, whose mother lied for many years about the death of her father, after which she ran away from home. Mother and older sister find the girl in an old dacha, where they finally find an opportunity to speak out all the problems, resentments and fears that have been hushed up so diligently for years.