Matti Kuusla

출생 : 1933-08-07, Helsinki, Finland

사망 : 2018-11-22


Matti Kuusla was a Finnish actor and screenwriter. He was well known for acting small supporting roles in TV and movies.

참여 작품

Futuro – tulevaisuuden olotila
Futuro house 001 owner
Vääpeli Körmy ja vetenalaiset vehkeet
Vieraan vallan paha poika Körmyn unessa
Sergeant Friman is developing an automatic submarine detector that piques the interest of both, Swedish and Russian spies.
Numbskull Emptybrook's Memory Slowly Comes Back
Uuno Turhapuro has lost his memory and thinks he's a woman. His friend Sörsselssön has lost his memory too and Härski Hartikainen tries to help them.
The Cold Old Days
Restorer stumbles upon ghosts in an old castle.
The Cold Old Days
Restorer stumbles upon ghosts in an old castle.
The schlager carousel spins! Finnish entertainment and drama. Hit songs and Suomi artists.
Mullin mallin
Bluff Brother
Isaskar Keturin ihmeelliset seikkailut
Oho, sanoi Eemeli
Roope (uncredited)
Lumisten metsien tyttö
Wintery forest and stubborn 16 year old girl dazzle the teacher from Helsinki.
Ei ruumiita makuuhuoneeseen
Two Finnish PI:s are hunted by a gang specialized to counterfeit banknotes from Malaga to Finland and Mallorca and back. The counterfeit money printing plates are desperately searched by the gang and our heroes try to hide from them by travelling to Mallorca, where some of the local hoods try to kill them and retake the missing plates.
Autuas eversti
Murheenkryynin poika
Kahden ladun poikki
Pekka ja Pätkä sammakkomiehinä
Vihdoinkin hääyö…
Jali (uncredited)
Pastor Samuel Bro has lost his faith in God. He is in conflict with the Church Council and is rejected from his priesthood. He moves away to a different life.
Herra sotaministeri
Vääpeli Mynkhausen
Pekka Visaoksa
Pekka ja Pätkä ketjukolarissa
Salu Yllö
Evakko is a portrayal of Soviet-Finnish winter war of 1939/40 and the associated evacuations in different parts of the country. It tells the story of a Karelian family along with their whole village who were forced to leave their homes because of the war. The film has a surprisingly perky tone for the subject matter.
Wounded Soldier
핀란드에서 가장 흥행에 성공한 영화중 하나. 핀란드 군과 소련군의 전투 영화로 제목의 의미는 무명용사이다. 19955년판에 이어 1985년, 2018년에 컬러로 여러 차례 제작이 되었다. 원작자인 배이뇌 린나는 핀란드가 자랑하는 베스트 셀러 작가이며 2차 대전중에 징집되어 겨울 전쟁 등에 투입되어 동부 전선에서 혹독한 전쟁의 경험을 치루었고 훗날 이 경험이 그의 전쟁 영화 집필에 많은 도움이 되었다. 영화의 내용은 핀란드 병사들의 소련을 상대로 한 가히 끊임없이 전개되는 처절하고도 치열한 전투 이야기이다. 1941년 핀란드 동부에 주둔중인 한 중화기 중대에 갑자기 최전선으로 이동 명령이 내려진다. 그리고 그들은 이제 지난 겨울 전쟁에서 잃었던 영토를 되찾기 위해 소련군은 선제 공격을 감행한다.
Villi Pohjola
A Western comedy about the adventures of Tundra-Tauno in Pohjola and in the village of Utopila which ruled by a greedy mayor.
The Doll Merchant
A wide-eyed doll salesman is mistaken for a bomb-wielding anarchist by the oppressive forces of the totalitarian state.
Rakas lurjus
It is a time of extreme housing shortage in Helsinki. People with room in their flats are required either to find subtenants or to lodge anyone sent by the housing commission. Abel and Jussi Siimes, two devoted haters of women, find themselves in this predicament. They need to find a subtenant quickly to avoid the possibility of the housing commission sending a woman, God forbid it, to live with them. Abel's acquaintance, an assessor, recommends his nephew Kaino as the perfect choice.
Suomisen Olli rakastuu
Olli Suominen fancies his teacher and other shenanigans.
Runon kuningas ja muuttolintu
A poet finds a new muse in young woman.