Tahsin Rahman

참여 작품

자서전 비슷한 것
파르한과 티티는 다카에 살고 있는 감독-배우 커플이다. 이들은 보수적이고 가부장적인 무슬림 사회에서 결혼한 지 10년이 되도록 아이를 갖지 않는다는 이유로 비난을 받는다. 팬데믹 기간에 일이 줄어들자 지금이 아이를 갖기 좋은 때라고 생각하게 된 티티는 파르한을 설득하여 결국, 임신에 성공한다. 임신 막바지의 어느 날, 한밤중에 큰 폭죽 소리가 지속되자 예민해진 티티를 뒤로 하고, 파르한은 무작정 밤길로 나선다.
Nishir Daak
Director of Photography
A young NGO worker living in Cox's Bazaar hears stories about a voice that calls young children into the water, to their death. Should he continue his job as a change maker, or confront the supernatural to create real change?
라이언 리턴즈
Camera Operator
Jamal has just returned to Australia after disappearing overseas for 18 months fighting in Syria. He's back in the country and wants to see his terminally ill mother, however he has to deal with his strong-minded older brother Omar, then his wife Heidi and their young son whom he left behind, but most importantly his unforgiving father. But why has Jamal really come back? Is he a militant with a cause or an easily led pawn in a bigger picture? A story about redemption, forgiveness and the consequences of your actions on loved ones and those you leave behind.
Director of Photography
Two investigators watch surveillance footage of a runner. As the film progresses, it becomes clear a crime has taken place, culminating in a tense finale.