Jay’s Longhorn was the epicenter of the Minneapolis punk rock and indie rock scene in the late 1970s and sparked the explosion of alternative rock music that followed in the 1980s and 1990s.
The B-52s were celebrating the 34th anniversary of their first-ever live show on Valentine’s Day in 1977 in the same town. This disc is also the first B52s concert now officially released on DVD. Not surprisingly, as the group had no new material to promote, it’s a retrospective of their work from 1979 to their last new studio album, 2008’s Funplex.
Tom Saunders
A shy high school senior (Paralta) finds a magic locket that will allow her to trade one physical feature with anyone she murders.
Taken in one concentrated best-of dose, it becomes evident what a coup The B-52's pulled off when they turned their own concentrated craziness into genuine hits. This is some of the weirdest stuff ever to make the charts, much less beloved by the masses. It's all here through the mad surf guitar of Ricky Wilson (and later Keith Strickland), the banshee wails of Cindy Wilson and Kate Pierson, and, of course, the, um, well, let's say vocalizing of freaky Fred Schneider. "Party out of Bounds" with a "Rock Lobster" on "Planet Claire," or "Roam" over to the "Love Shack" in "Private Idaho." Whatever you do in The B-52's universe will at least be good, clean, perverse fun
Featuring inverviews from: Afrika Bambaataa, Ashford & Simpson, Jackson Browne, Kim Burell, Taylor Dayne, Carmen Electra, Faith Evans, Roberta Flack, Joel Gray, Kc & the Sunshine Band, Eartha Kitt, Patti Labelle, Queen Latifah and more?
An off-beat comedy about how having a gay father can be the least of a punk girl's problems.
KBLU Radio DJ (voice)
An academic obsessed with "roadside attractions" and his tv-star daughter finally discover the world's largest ice cream cone, the centerpiece for an old gold-rush town struggling to stay on the map. They end up staying longer than expected because of an accident that spilled an unknown cola ingredient all over the highway. They spend the next few days with the various residents of the town which include a teenage girl who loves to blow things up and a boy trying to keep alive his fathers dream of building a beachside resort in the middle of the desert.
Newborn Baby (singing voice)
험난한 절벽을 아슬하게 올라가는 등 상상 속 모험을 즐기는 토미와 친구들 릴과 필, 척키, 그들은 기저귀를 차고 다니는 꼬마 악동들. 토미의 가족들은 태어날 동생을 위한 새 단장을 마치고 아기 환영 파티로 분주하다. 꼬마 악동들은 기다리는 동생이 오지 않자 길을 잃어버려 늦는 것이 아닌가 걱정한다. 파티 중 갑작스런 진통 때문에 토미 엄마는 병원으로 옮겨지고 모든 가족과 이웃들이 출산을 기다린다. 엄마의 진통을 지켜보던 꼬마 악동들은 동생이 길을 잃어버려 엄마가 슬퍼하신다고 생각, 엄마가 좋아하는 예쁜 아기를 고르자며 신생아실에 몰래 숨어들어간다. 수많은 아기들의 시끌벅적한 울음 소리를 들으며 넋을 잃고 있을 때 동생이 태어난다. 토미는 동생 딜이 터어나자 모든 것이 달라졌음을 깨닫는다. 부모님의 모든 사랑과 관심을 밤낮 울어대는 딜에게 빼앗기고, 꼬마 악동들도 고집투성이 딜로 인해 모든 놀이에 흥미를 잃는다. 그들은 결국 토미를 위해 딜을 병원에 돌려주고 돈을 되 려 받기로 결심한다. 꼬마 악동들이 딜을 토미 아빠가 만든 렙타르 장갑차에 함께 태우면서부터 꼬마 악동들의 험난하고 아슬아슬한 모험이 시작된다.
외계인 가즈는 인류의 짝짓기 과정을 조사하러 석기 시대에 떨어져 프레드 플린스톤(마크 애비)과 바니(스티븐 볼드윈)를 만난다. 상류계층의 생활에 환멸을 느낀 윌마(크리스틴 존스톤)는 집을 나와 베티(제인 크라코우스키)를 만난다. 윌마와 베티는 플린스톤과 바니와 더블 데이트를 하고 그들은 가즈(알란 커밍)와 함께 윌마를 되찾으려는 속셈이 있는 지도 모른 채 윌마의 전 애인 칩의 초대로 록 베가스로 떠난다. 록 베가스에서 칩은 플린스톤이 윌마의 보석을 훔쳤다고 모함하고 베티는 바니가 칩과 한패인 록시와 있는 장면을 보고 팝 스타 믹 재거드와 떠나는데...
Variety special featuring guests from the downtown New York club scene to stellar artists including Nirvana and Elton John.
Max can't face his yuppie future. Graduation's only weeks away and he's having second thoughts. Inspired by the campus radio station, he decides to get a little crazy.
Produced in collaboration with MICA-TV, Summer of Love is a public service announcement produced for the American Foundation for AIDS Research. Featuring The B-52’s, David Byrne, Allen Ginsburg, Quentin Crisp, John Kelly, and others.
Key Largo
"Mermaids on Heroin" is a 1985 13-minute video written and staring New York performer Joey Arias. Features Fred Schneider from the B-52s.
By November of 1980, the B-52’s had two albums under their belt and were two months away from their debut Saturday Night Live performance. The New Wave band were quickly rising to national fame, and they were still touring with the original lineup which consisted of frontman Fred Schneider (who in this set’s liner notes is credited as playing both the glockenspiel and “various toys”), Cindy Wilson, Ricky Wilson, Kate Pierson and Keith Strickland.
An aging rock star trying to put together a new album in the face of an indifferent record label and a talentless producer. At the same time, he's struggling to save his failing marriage.