Animation film celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Senba Center Building. Based on the manga "A manga in the Semba Center Building" by You Machida. One day, manga artist YOU Machida received a request to draw the Semba Center Building, which was celebrating its 50th anniversary. This is the story of a quiet dialogue between a manga artist who has suffered from depression in the past and the Senba Center Building, a generous old commercial facility that has lived for 50 years in the middle of Osaka, over a four-day period.
Animation film celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Senba Center Building. Based on the manga "A manga in the Semba Center Building" by You Machida. One day, manga artist YOU Machida received a request to draw the Semba Center Building, which was celebrating its 50th anniversary. This is the story of a quiet dialogue between a manga artist who has suffered from depression in the past and the Senba Center Building, a generous old commercial facility that has lived for 50 years in the middle of Osaka, over a four-day period.
과거 살인청부업자의 천재 셰프, 본벨로가 점주인 살인청부업자 전용 식당 “다이나”.
일급 30만엔의 수상한 아르바이트에 손을 댄 탓에 어둠의 조직에 양도되어 버린 소녀 오바 카나코는, 본벨로에 팔려 웨이트리스로서 일하게 된다. 본벨로가 “왕”으로서 군림하는 다이나에는, 전신 상처투성이인 고고한 살인청부업자 스킨이나, 아이 같은 모습을 한 사이코 킬러의 키드, 어쩐지 기분 나쁜 스페인어를 구사하는 근육 자랑의 난폭한 자 부로 등의 살인청부업자들이 차례차례로 찾아오고…….
A 33-year-old supermarket worker at a provincial city used to be an idol, but could not see a future as a singer. Sick of everything, she moved to a provincial town and met Yoshio, a pet cat she saw at a store.
This is the first video work that captures Wednesday's Campanella's first Nippon Budokan solo concert held on March 8 this year. The complete 24 songs from the opening song "Chohatsukai" to "Dracula," performed as an encore, are included!