Shen Qi

Shen Qi

출생 : 1994-04-11,

프로필 사진

Shen Qi

참여 작품

금의위 비검 수춘도
Li Mo Xun
신묘한 옥의 성배는 명나라 황제가 남긴 보물로 금의위는 이를 지키는 명나라의 황실 호위병이다. 수세기 동안 이를 지키며 살아온 금의위 후계자들은 어느날 성배를 뺏으려는 살수들의 대규모 기습으로 몰살 당하는 지경에 이른다. 하지만 마지막 계승자 싱윤은 성배를 가지고 도망치는게 성공하여 도심속에 신분을 숨기며 살아간다. 어느날 우연히 도굴꾼들에게 정체가 발각되고 성배를 둘러싼 처절한 대결이 다시 시작된다.
The Substitute
To compensate the loss of Lu’s brother, Lu, the captain of judo team at school, has been brought up by her mother as a substitute of her brother in Beijing. In the seemingly masculine appearance, she secretly falls in love with Nicole, the internet celebrity girl from Taiwan. Lu and Nicole meet each other in a judo competition of which the winner would have the chance to become the leading actress in an action film. Nicole wins the competition, but she disappears right before the movie start shooting. As Nicole’s substitute, Lu then has the chance to play the leading actress of the action movie. But the thing is, is Lu able to find her own self-identity and be the real her in one’s life?
Guardians of Night: The Demon Hunting Academy
Demons and humans share a planet near Earth. The humans occupy the planet by day and the demons occupy it at night. They live in harmony until some of the demons scheme against the humans. The Guardians rid the planet of the troublesome demonic creatures to preserve the peace.