Carola Ulrich

참여 작품

Tanz und Träume - Das Deutsche Fernsehballett
헐렁한 바지에 중절모, 한 손에는 지팡이를 들고 나타난 콧수염의 남자. 우리가 기억하는 채플린은 사실 그가 연기한 ‘리틀 트램프’라는 캐릭터의 모습이다. 20세기 무성영화시대를 상징하는 시대의 아이콘인 찰리 채플린. 불우한 성장과정을 극복하고 위대한 예술가로 성공한 ‘인간 채플린’은 ‘리틀 트램프’를노동의 현장에 등장시켜 연민과 정의감 가득한 시선으로 불공평한 세상을 바라본다. 우스꽝스러운 리틀 트램프의 뒤에 가려진 인간 채플린은 과연 어떤 사람이었을까?
Ordinary Men: The
Production Manager
The Nuremberg Einsatzgruppen trial of 1947/1948 is considered the largest murder trial in history against members of four death squads from the security police and SD (the security service of the SS). During World War II, six million Jews were murdered. Four million died in the extermination camps, but two million people were killed in systematic mass shootings. The perpetrators came face to face with their victims. They shot at men, women, children - day after day, obediently and assiduously, as if it were normal work. Tens of thousands of Germans belonged to the mobile commandos of the task forces and police battalions. Who were these men, how could they commit such murders? What did the few survivors tell, how were they able to escape the mass extinction and live on with the horrific experience? Based on written traditions, original documents, film footage and photos as well as expert statements, the documentary traces the path of one of these murder battalions.
On operated by Prussian prime minister Otto von Bismarck the German Empire is finally founded in 1871 on the floors of Versailles castle, ancestral seat of the French monarchy.
Karl Marx - Der deutsche Prophet
Production Director
Die Hölle von Verdun