Théophile Gay-Mazas

참여 작품

Olho Animal
This is the story of a film-making dog. In a series of return trips between Brittany and Lisbon, the protagonist, along with a producer, conjures up a film through the prism of ethology, in search of the sincerity of the animal gaze. An animal comedy that includes hundreds of images of dogs that have appeared in films over the history of cinema.
나를 박제해줘
박제된 동물들이 되살아나지만, 사냥꾼이 나타나 이 무고한 숲속 생물들을 위협한다.
The Last Hillbilly
Kentucky. For decades, Brian Ritchie's family has been living in the heart of the Appalachians. But the mines have been shut down, with nothing to replace them. Caught between a mythical past and an indiscernible future, Brian is one of the last witnesses of a vanishing world, that inspires his poetry.
Dear Hacker
The LED on my webcam started flashing for no reason. Is it possible that an observer, a hacker, a friend or ghost is currently housed in my webcam? I embark on a series of video-calls to find out what this elusive entity wants with me.