Alex McGregor

Alex McGregor

출생 : 1993-06-07, Cape Town, South Africa

프로필 사진

Alex McGregor
Alex McGregor
Alex McGregor

참여 작품

슬럼버 파티 매서커
Dana, daughter of the only survivor of a massacre in 1993, is going on a weekend trip with her friends. After their car breaks down in the very same town where her mother once fought the Driller Killer, Dana and her friends must come face-to-face with the man who has haunted her mother’s life for the past 30 years.
다크타워: 희망의 탑
Susan Delgado
두 개의 차원이 공존하는 세상. 악의 세력이 세상의 균형을 유지하는 다크타워를 파괴하려 하고, 이를 수호하려는 건슬링어들은 모두 죽임을 당한다. 유일하게 혼자 살아남은 최후의 건슬링어 롤랜드는 마지막 예지자 아라 캠피그넌에 의해 자신의 숙명을 깨닫고 홀로 악의 추종자인 맨인블랙 월터에 맞선다. 맨인블랙인 월터는 세상을 완전히 무너뜨리기 위해 차원을 넘나들며 끊임없이 다크타워를 파괴하려는 계획을 세우고, 이 사실을 알게 된 건슬링어 롤랜드는 그에 맞서기 위해 두 개의 세상을 오가는데…
The Gamechangers
This 90-minute factual drama goes behind the scenes of the hit video game Grand Theft Auto, arguably the greatest British coding success since Bletchley Park. The fastest-selling entertainment product in history comes not from Silicon Valley, but is driven by a bunch of British game designers. Friends since their school days, they are led by the game's mastermind-designer, Sam Houser. By 2002, Sam and his creative team have constructed for their fans a vast virtual world, teeming with a high-octane mix of criminal characters, lethal weapons and outrageous storylines. Here you can even shape and sculpt your avatar, crafting their character and appearance to your personal preference. This drama is for an adult audience and has not been authorised by the producers of Grand Theft Auto. Rather, it is based on court documents and interviews with many of those involved in the real events behind this compelling story.
Spud 3: Learning to Fly
As Spud Milton continues his awkward stagger through adolescence, he learns one of life's most important lessons: When dealing with women and cretins, nothing is ever quite as it seems. "I'm practically a man in most areas," writes Spud confidently on his sixteenth birthday. The year is 1992 and, in South Africa, radical change is in the air. The country may be on the bumpy road to an uncertain future, but Spud Milton is hoping for a smooth ride as he returns to boarding school as a senior. Instead, he discovers that his vindictive arch enemy is back to taunt him and that a garrulous Malawian has taken residence in his dormitory, along with the regular inmates and misfits he calls friends. Spud's world has never seemed less certain; he attempts to master Shakespeare, wrestles constantly with his God, and the power of negative thinking, and develops an aversion to fried fish after a shocking discovery about his grandmother, Wombat.
심각한 물 부족을 겪는 지금으로부터 멀지 않은 미래, 어니스트 홈은 이 척박한 환경에서 아들 제롬과 딸 메리와 함께 농장을 어렵게 일궈나가고 전신 마비로 병원에 입원한 아내를 부양한다. 그는 말라버린 토지가 물만 있으면 되살아날 것이라는 희망을 놓지 않고 송수관 공사장에 술과 생필품을 배달하며 물을 끌어올 방법을 찾으려 하지만 그를 도와주려는 사람은 없다. 메리의 남자친구 플렘은 오래 전 정부가 아버지에게서 빼앗아 어니스트 홈에게 준 땅을 되찾기 위해 호시탐탐 기회만 노린다. 그러던 어느 날, 플렘은 어니스트가 송수관 공사장에 납품하는 술과 생필품을 훔쳐 3배의 가격에 팔아 넘기려다 어니스트에게 잡히고 만다. 필사적으로 도망갈 방법을 찾던 그는 결국 어니스트를 살해하고, 그의 죽음을 사고로 위장한 뒤 메리와 농장을 차지한다. 남다른 언변과 기지로 송수관을 끌어와 메말랐던 토지를 되살리고 농장을 일으켜 세운 플렘. 그는 어니스트의 죽음이 가진 비밀을 아무도 모를 것이라 여기지만, 제롬이 그 비밀을 알게 되고 제롬은 서서히 복수를 꾸미기 시작하는데…
Spud 2: The Madness Continues
The year is 1991, and Spud Milton's long walk to manhood is still creeping along at an unnervingly slow pace. Approaching the ripe old age of fifteen and still no signs of the much anticipated ball-drop, Spud is coming to terms with the fact that he may well be a freak of nature. With a mother hell-bent on emigrating, a father making a killing out of selling homemade moonshine, and a demented grandmother called Wombat, the new year seems to offer little except extreme embarrassment and more mortifying Milton madness. But Spud is returning to a boarding school where he is no longer the youngest or the smallest. His dormitory mates, known as the Crazy Eight, have an unusual new member and his house has a new clutch of first years (the Normal Seven). If Spud thinks his second year will be a breeze, however, he is seriously mistaken.