Philippe St-Gelais

참여 작품

Camera Operator
After a difficult separation, Serge Jr. takes his daughter Lily, 9, on a truck ride across Canada. They head to Alberta and its legendary Badlands World’s Best Truck Rodeo, a race Lily and him have been dreaming about. On the road, under his daughter’s increasingly worried gaze, Serge will eventually need to face the music.
Director of Photography
Caught up in a symbiotic relationship with her father, Inès (20 years old) embarks on a difficult path to try to escape from this imposing man in order to build her own identity and become an adult woman.
1805A Rue des Papillons
What's really happening at 1805 A Butterfly Drive? A mother and her daughter, a mystery, wild emotions...
플레잉 하드: 게임의 법칙
Director of Photography
독특한 세계관을 구현한 비디오 게임 《포 아너》. 디자이너 제이슨 반덴베르그가 이 프로젝트를 완성하는 데는 4년 이상이 걸렸다. 게임 제작사 유비소프트에서 펼친 그간의 여정을 만나보시라. 절망과 환희, 슬픔과 기쁨을 모두 담았다.
플레저 오브 스킨 감각탐구
Director of Photography
피부학 교수 마리는 섹스가 피부에 미치는 영향을 연구한다. 직접 다양한 남자와 관계를 맺으며 몸의 변화를 기록한다. 남편은 이런 연구를 이해 못하고 집을 나가버린다. 게다가 제자는 동료 교수를 성폭행으로 고소하고 딸은 벌써 많은 경험을 갖고 있다고 고백하는데… 여교수의 실전 감각 여행을 훔쳐본다!
Innu Nikamu: Chanter la résistance
Director of Photography
The origins and evolution of the Innu Nikamu Music and Aboriginal Arts Festival are intimately linked to the territorial roots of the Innu people and to the life of the Maliotenam Reserve community. For centuries past the Innu had followed a seasonal migration cycle, wintering in the northern territories for the caribou hunt and returning every summer to the north shore of the St-Lawrence. Festivities, meetings, traditional games and weddings marked the latter period, and the Festival has become the modern day reincarnation of the ancient summer celebration.
Director of Photography
Is having control of our life a right? Are living and dying freedoms, duties or responsibilities? How should we love? How should we live? How should we die? These questions are woven into the story of Adrien, who suffers from kidney failure. He runs a garage in Trois-Pistoles, a small town on the St-Lawrence in Québec, where people seem ordinary, but aren't: each love story, each life, each destiny is unique.
Brave New River
Brave New River (directed by Nicolas Renaud) is a feature documentary exploring the paradoxes of our control over nature, the meeting between two worlds and the dilemmas of those taking part in the transformation of the land.
Projet Pigeons
Director of Photography