Moses Tweste
화재 현장에서 동료를 잃고 6개월간 강제 휴직을 떠난 소방관 테오. 복직을 위해 정신과 상담을 받으며 신약을 복용하지만, PTSD(외상 후 스트레스 장애) 증상은 나날이 심해져만 간다. 그러던 어느 날, 거대 방산업체 ‘엠텍’의 비리를 파헤치던 아내 안젤라가 싸늘한 시신으로 발견되고, 테오는 하나뿐인 아들마저 빼앗긴 채 살인범으로 몰린다. 테오는 경찰의 추적을 피해 진실을 밝혀내려고 애쓰지만, 주변 동료들마저 무참히 살해당하는데…
Detective Joe Kau
Handsome young vampire Billy (Andre Frauenstein) seems to have finally found his true love in Jenny Shapiro (Rikki Brest), a beautiful young woman he meets at a nightclub. Despite efforts by those around them to keep the two apart, including Billy's past love Lisa (Christina Storm), they appear to be destined for one another. Their happiness is suddenly cut short when a scientist researching a treatment for HIV/AIDS accidentally discovers a serum that will allow vampires to walk in the daylight with humans. This leads to an all-out war between vampires; those who are against the serum and those who would use it to leave the shadows of night, including vicious upstart vampire Borlak (David James) who will stop at nothing to obtain it. Billy and police detective Joe Kau must now work together to protect Jenny and her family, and to keep this discovery from those who would use it against all of humanity
Oscar Dumasi
Sarah Barcant, a lawyer in New York City who grew up in South Africa, returns to her childhood dwelling place to intercede for Alex Mpondo, a Black South African politician who was tortured during apartheid.
Charterston Township 1990. Professor Zamani is respected in the township. To be sure, he once raped one of his students but the community turned a blind eye. Zamani used to rail against the apartheid system but those days are long gone. Now he teaches South African history in the Afrikaner language and grudgingly organizes the picnic for National Day, which commemorates the Boers' massacre of the Zulu nation... When Zani, the rape victim's brother, returns from Swaziland where he won a place in school, he is determined to change everything. In the small hours, in the waiting room at Johannesburg station, he runs into Prof. Zamani, who's spent the night on the town. They travel back together to the harsh reality of the township. In due course, Zamani regains some of his pride and Zani, inevitably, loses some of his...under the gaze of the women, who never renounced their dignity.