Dennis Friebe

참여 작품

Mr Calculator
Man obsessed with mathematics and odds finds a secret formula to life and safety.
글로리아의 여정
Knife Thrower
미국 여성운동에 앞장선 저널리스트이자 페미니스트인 글로리아 스타이넘의 전기영화
A Brilliant Monster
Where do you get those brilliant ideas? A question which plagues all creators. They say success comes with a price, but for the story of Mitch Stockridge, an author of self-help books, that price feeds a bigger monster inside of us all. Into the stressful depths of the creative mind, the lengths that one goes through for success, and the anxiety to keep on producing while on top.
"A single mother goes extreme measures to provide for her daughter during some extreme hardships."