The story involves a boy and his younger sister whose dog Papadoll is missing. They find out that he has been abducted by anthropomorphic cats to be brought to a world called Banapal Witt, which is built on top of a giant sleeping cat. There the sun turns poor Papadoll into a bizarre giant monster. He becomes the weapon and beloved pet of a spoiled Princess who turns everything she touches into balloons. She plans to use Papadoll and a giant inflatable mouse to control the sleeping cat and thus Banapal Witt itself.
Producer's Assistant
Son of a viscount and a Roma prostitute (both deceased), Serge is intelligent, sweet, talented, and alienated by his family due to his heritage. Upon being sent to his new school, he rooms with Gilbert Cocteau, a gorgeous loner of a boy who sells his body for reasons unknown. Serge's attempts to reach out to Gilbert fail spectacularly, and yet there is something in both of them that attracts them to each other.
Production Manager
나카오카 겐의 아버지는 제국주의와 전쟁을 반대하여[3][4] 마을 사람들에게 '비국민' 이라는 야유를 받으면서 살았다거나 일제 치하 조선인들의 문제[5], 패전 이후의 막장이 된 일본이나 여기에 제대로 대처하지 못하는 정부와 미군의 횡포[6] 등 여러 국면에서 당대 일본의 상황과 문제들을 철저하게 다루고 있는 작품