Kevin H.J. Lee

Kevin H.J. Lee

프로필 사진

Kevin H.J. Lee

참여 작품

Zero To Zero
A documentary about Taiwanese legislator.
The Incredible Disappearing School
Documentary Of Appledaily
Sunflower Occupation
Unveil the Truth –The Government Virus
In 2004, when an outbreak of H5N2 bird flu was first reported in Taiwan, Taiwan bureaucratic system insisted that this case was caused by chickens infected by migratory birds, but after investigation, the truth is unscrupulous businesspeople smuggling bird flu virus strains, invent and sell the illegal manufacture of vaccines. After the failure of the production, this vaccines resulting in a pandemic spread over whole henhouse. To unveil the truth, director began collecting samples from henhouse in 2006 and this six-year long investigation, never find the way out until the March 2010.
Eye on the Left - News Cameramen's Reality
The director himself is a veteran news cameraman who put aside a year in the filming of this documentary. He delves into the life and work of four TV news cameramen, giving us a unique perspective on the media world, capturing the rarely seen story of human struggle in an industry where humanity has all but vanished. The documentary reveals the heartfelt feelings of Taiwanese journalists, while at the same time, paints a picture of the director’s own reflections on the ever diminishing ethics of this industry and the impact it has had upon his own life.