Rainer Nigrelli

참여 작품

Führer and Seducer
In 1938, Joseph Goebbels is at the height of his power for the time being, while Hitler is celebrated by the people. The dictator now marches resolutely towards war. However, the propaganda has put a lot of strain on the subject of peace, so that a sudden change of direction is not possible so quickly. Goebbels' work comes under heavy criticism from his Führer and he does everything he can to regain his reputation and fuel the population's enthusiasm for the war. He triggers the pogrom of 9 November 1938 and plans anti-Semitic films, in the realization of which Hitler intervenes in every detail. An almost perfect and controlled staging succeeds, especially in connection with large mass events. The highlight was the victory parade after the capitulation of France, which was planned down to the last detail. In 1941, Goebbels is back on top with Hitler. With the "Russian campaign", the war really begins for Hitler and the mass murders reach their climax.
행복해지면 나쁜 일이 일어난다고 믿는 사기꾼 남자. 불행한 삶을 유지해야 하건만, 자신을 조종하는 형과 함께 마피아 조직에 들어가면서 행복과 불행의 균형을 맞추는 데 어려움을 겪는다.
하늘의 가장자리에서
굴루 마을은 중국의 쓰촨 주 어느 절벽에 숨겨진 마을이다. 그 곳에는 굴루 초등학교가 있다. 학교의 유일한 교사인 쉔 선생은 26년간 대리 교사로 그 곳에서 아이들을 가르쳤다. 그러던 어느 날, 자신을 돈키호테라고 부르는 청년 바오가 나타난다. 바오의 눈에 굴루 마을은 작고 우아한 유토피아이다. 그는 그 곳에 머무르며 쉔 선생님을 도와 아이들을 가르치며 봉사를 하기로 한다. 그에 따라 굴루 마을의 이야기는 중국 전역에 퍼지게 되고, 기부와 방문객은 증가하게 된다. 그러나 기부금이 모이는 과정에서 바오와 쉔의 갈등이 야기되고 쉔은 교사 자격을 박탈당할 위기에 놓인다. 기금 관리 권한을 두고 대립한 그들의 갈등은 점점 커져 마을 전체에 퍼지게 된다. 과연 누가 새 학교를 짓는 프로젝트에 권한을 가질 수 있을까? 학교가 없어져 버릴 수도 있는 것일까?
Tour du Faso
Culture clash on the sandy streets of Burkina Faso. Africa’s biggest cycling race, the Tour du Faso, is a ten-stage challenge where adventurous European amateur cyclist and African local heroes compete passionately to make their dreams come true. Yet the film does not focus on the question of who will win – instead, it puts the protagonists’ experiences centre stage. TOUR DU FASO takes the audience time travelling back to pre-commercialised decades. Following the Tour du Faso, we learn more about cycling, Africa and the extraordinary fighting spirit of the underdogs. Here, it is still the taking part that counts...
Out of the Darkness
More than half of the world’s preventable blindness is caused by cataract disease, a clouding of the clear lens of the eye. In developing countries like Nepal, it is not only a personal tragedy, but can devastate the economy of entire communities. Fortunately, it is also easy to cure. Cataract surgery is one of the most effective medical interventions on earth, but until recently was considered too expensive to provide to the rural poor. Most of the world’s blind people live in remote, impoverished areas. The majority of doctors able to cure them work in cities. Dr. Sanduk Ruit from Nepal, and his American partner, Dr. Geoff Tabin, have made perfecting a portable low cost surgical procedure to restore sight their life‘s work. They trek to Nepal’s remote Northeast, carrying an entire hospital on porters‘ backs. Their mission is to bring the needlessly blind out of the darkness.