Oleksandr Zemlianyi

참여 작품

Mother of Apostles
Director of Photography
Motherly love has no limits. When a son is in danger, the mother does not hesitate to rush to his aid. For the sake of saving the child, she is ready to do anything. She even is ready to go through the hell of war. When Sofia finds out that a transport plane, the pilot of which is her son, was shot down, she sets off for the front line. Her journey is full of dangers. She does not know whether her son or any other member of the crew survived. She has no friends there on the unfamiliar territory, no helpers, no clear plan. There is only her willpower. But it is her will and love that help her to find people who begin to sympathize and help her, and thereby change themselves. A dangerous journey turns her from the mother of one pilot into the mother of all who need to be saved, who need the spiritual rebirth. She is ready to come for even those whom she considered an enemy.
작전명 반데라스
Director of Photography
2014년 9월, 우크라이나 동부 대 테러 작전지역 (ATO Zone)에서 민간인을 태운 버스가 습격 당하는 사건이 발생한다. 이를 두고 우크라이나로부터 분리 독립을 요구하며 내전을 벌이고 있는 반군세력은 정부군의 소행이라며 비난하고 정부군은 사실무근이라며 양측은 일촉즉발의 상황에 놓인다. 이 때, 결정적인 제보가 정부군에 접수되면서 버스 습격사건을 조사하기 위해 정보국 소속 안톤 샤엔코 대위와 그의 작전팀이 대 테러 작전지역에 투입되는데...