냉철한 판단과 치밀한 계략으로 명성이 높은 수사반장 이사. 36명의 여성과 아동을 살해하며 소비에트 연방을 충격에 빠트린 연쇄살인범 ’인간백정’을 10년 간의 추척 끝에 체포해낸다. 그러나 체포된 자가 진범이 아니라는 제보가 들어오고, 이사는 새로운 용의자에게 자백을 받아내려고 애쓴다. 일이 마음대로 풀리지 않자, 이사는 자신이 검거한 또 다른 살인범 ‘체스꾼’과 거래해 사건을 해결해보려고 하는데…
An unremarkable Russian town holds some terrible secrets. The simple working guy Lyokha gets acquainted with the beautiful Masha. She shows him photos that he cannot remember. Lyokha goes to see his father, but finds out that the latter died several days ago. The father left lots of mysterious notes, but a local gang and a mysterious visitor from Moscow are after them. You find out everything if you remember!
Kirill, who stood up for Nastya's honor, is forced to join the army. He severely beat the offender, and military service is the only way for him to avoid prison.
Life in a 19th century Russian town is focused on a group of wealthy Cavalry officers, who are enjoying their 'life in style'. Officers are flirting with beautiful women, playing cards and are having lots of fun. One winter day a visiting foreigner is invited to join the Russian officers for a card game.