Sound Designer
Ajju bhaiya, a history teacher from a small town with a fake public image embarks on a World War II trail along with his wife Nisha, only to discover war within him. Differences grow between them as they continue to fight their inner demons.
Sound Designer
Uday Gupta, a medical college student wanted to specialise in Orthopaedic, but is stuck in an all-female class of Gynaecology. Will he change his department, or will the department change him?
Sound Designer
A first-of-its-kind for her village, Babli takes up a bouncer's job to win over her love, leading to a series of funny and heart-warming events.
Sound Designer
사랑하는 그녀와 결혼하고픈 작은 마을의 마술사. 그런데 소망을 이루려면 마을 축구팀을 이끌고 지역 대회 결승에 진출해야 한다고? 축구에는 눈곱만큼도 관심 없는데, 이 일을 어쩐담!
Sound Designer
At a preview theatre, a young filmmaker waits in the hope of getting his new sci-fi drama certified with ‘no cuts’ by the conservative men of the Indian Censor Board. The board finds a kissing scene in the film beyond the duration stipulated by official, orthodox rules. The filmmaker and board members argue, but when they enter the movie theatre to review the film, the laws of physics begin to disintegrate, sending these men into a world of chaos.
Sound Designer
Manu, a bodybuilder from Chandigarh, India, falls in love with Maanvi, a Zumba teacher. All seems well until a revelation causes turmoil in their love story.
Sound Designer
Psychiatrist couple Aparna and Rajeev Kapoor have been so tied up in fixing the people coming to them that they have neglected their own daughter Cookie who grows up to be a violent and rebellious teenager. When cookie ends her life and destroys her parents lives she comes back to release all of her anger and seek vengeance.
Sound Designer
Two rival dance groups from India and Pakistan who are always competing against each other, join forces when it comes to competing at an international dance competition.
Sound Designer
A vet returns home to his father's elephant reserve where he encounters and fights an international poacher's racket.
Sound Designer
길 잃은 신들의 쉼터이자 순례자들의 천국이라 불리는 곳, 케다르나스. 그곳에서 짐꾼으로 일하는 무슬림 청년 ‘만수르’(서샨트 싱 라즈풋)는 힌두교의 가장 높은 계급에 속하는 브라만 자제 ‘무쿠’(사라 알리 칸)와 우연히 마주친다. 티격태격했던 첫 만남 이후, 서로의 꾸밈없는 모습에 이끌린 두 사람은 종교와 신분의 차이를 뛰어넘어 운명적 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 하지만 ‘무쿠’는 이 사실을 알게 된 아버지로 인해 다른 사람과 정략결혼을 하게 되고, ‘만수르’ 역시 다시 돌아오겠다는 약속만을 남긴 채 마을에서 쫓겨난다. 그리고 ‘만수르’가 마을을 벗어나는 순간, 전대미문의 대홍수가 케다르나스를 집어삼키고 ‘만수르’는 ‘무쿠’와의 약속을 지키기 위해 위험에 빠진 마을로 발길을 돌리는데...
Sound Designer
A spirited girl finds herself caught in a complicated love triangle while burdened with societal and familial pressures.
Sound Designer
Bitti Mishra is a bohemian Bareilly girl who falls deeply in love with Pritam Vidrohi, an author because she admires his progressive way of thinking. Finding him though proves to be as hard as looking for a needle in the haystack. So Bitti seeks the help of the local printing press-owner, Chirag Dubey on her journey of love.
Sound Designer
Jatt is a reluctant super hero that fights crime and protects people. He meets his match in the evil Raka who he must face off to save the day.
Sound Designer
은둔형 외톨이 전당포 주인. 어느 날 마약 중독자인 이웃의 딸이 위험한 폭력 집단에 납치되자 복수를 계획한다.
Sound Designer
Jagjinder Joginder, a wedding planner, brings together the dysfunctional family of businessman Bipin Arora while making arrangements for Bipin's daughter's destination wedding in London.
Sound Designer
신성한 도시 베나레스를 배경으로, 상류층 소녀와 금지된 사랑에 빠진 청년과, 주홍글씨를 달고 살아가는 여성의 이야기가 펼쳐진다. 삶과 죽음이 공존하는 곳에서 가혹한 운명의 덫에 걸린 이들의 눈물겨운 삶에도 과연 희망이 있을까? [제 20회 부산국제영화제]
Sound Designer
Childhood friends Suresh and Vinnie want to become successful dancers. To fulfill their dreams, they form a dance group with their friends and compete in a hip-hop contest in Las Vegas.
Sound Designer
2차 세계 대전으로 폐허가 된 1940년대의 콜카타를 배경으로, 대학을 갓 졸업한 브욤케시 박시(수샨트 싱 라지푸트)가 세상을 파괴하려는 사악한 천재에 맞서 싸우는 첫 모험이 펼쳐진다. 미스터리의 전개와 반전을 기대하라.
Sound Designer
라니는 펀자브 지방에 살고 있는 스물네 살의 여성이다. 그녀의 가족은 너무나 보수적이어서 그녀의 남동생은 그녀를 ‘보호’한다는 명목으로 어디든 따라 다닌다. 결혼 준비를 마친 어느 날, 집안에서 지정해 준 약혼자는 결혼식을 취소하고 그녀는 혼란에 빠진다. 하지만 곧 홀로 신혼여행을 가기로 결심한다.
Sound Designer
There is trouble brewing in the land of cartoons-Toonpur. The good guys of Toonpur and the bad guys are at constant war. That's when Devtoons decide to take superstar action hero Aditya's help and get him down to Toonpur. But things are not as simple as the Devtoons had thought.
Sound Designer
Amidst strictly enforced curfew by Bombay Police during December 1992 following Hindu-Muslim riots, Suryakant - one of four siblings from Malad's Malvani slums, heads home.
Sound Editor
When his only son dies in an accident, Balraaj urges his depressed daughter-in-law to marry a man who has long loved her in silence.