Tường Minh
The movie is about a psychologist, Tuong Minh who provides psychotherapy to An Nhien, a young female writer suffering from anxiety disorder. Nhien states that she’s obsessed by a certain girl. Strangely, the girl she mentioned is the main character in her first novel, The Whispering.
Having a car accident at night, a man comes to a strange house nearby to ask for help. What he sees in the house makes him more confused and worried.
K was an elite inspector, until an accident that caused the death of a female colleague. His reputation started going downhill and he was haunted by her death. Just days after a major homicide of an entertainer rocked the town, a suspect was apprehended. K realized that there were still so many mysteries surrounding the little town.
Hồng Việt
The Red Gloves is a journey to find herself of the assassin code-named No. 7. She was trained to be a assassin, that was until she returned to Vietnam where she learned the value of life. The return inevitably turned her from an evil spirit into an honest one.
LOVE explores the relationship between friends, family, and lovers. This story begins with the origins of a blossoming friendship between two 10-year-old girls. Unfortunately, the childhood friends are suddenly separated due to the death of one of their brothers, then later reunited as young adults. Nhi is now a university student and the lead singer of a girl band. She has a handsome but uptight boyfriend, Hoang. On the other hand, Tu comes from a family whose father is struggling with depression and whose mother is working very long hours just to make ends meet. Tu is secretly loved by Mien, a colleague of Nhi. As the story progresses, the girls soon discover feelings that they did not know they had. They must decide if their feelings for one another are just as friends, or perhaps something more.
In the wake of her husband's betrayal, a novelist and mother moves to an old building, where she receives a music box and encounters a strange spirit.
남자지만 남자를 좋아한 주인공 Hoi, 그림을 잘 그리지만 가정형편이 좋지 않아 유명한 그림을 모사하는 직업을 가진 Nam, 둘의 운명적인 만남을 통해 사랑의 갈등이 시작된다. 남자를 좋아한 주인공 호이. 유명한 그림을 모사하는 직업을 가진 남(쿠앙 수). 둘의 운명적인 만남을 통해 사랑의 갈등이 시작된다. 이 작품 역시 CJ에서 투자배급 및 제작단계부터 프로덕션 관리와 더불어 현지 파트너 사와 공동으로 마케팅을 진행한 작품. (2016년 제20회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
탈북자들의 사회적응교육기관에서 교육을 마치고 이제 막 대한민국에 첫 발을 내딛은 진욱. 임대 아파트에 입주한 첫 날 저녁, 대형 할인마트에 갔다가 집으로 돌아가는 길을 잃어버린다. 진욱이 집을 찾기 위해 올라탄 택시를 몰고 있는 혜정 역시 서울에 정착한지 10년째인 탈북자다. 두사람은 택시를 타고 밤새 서울 거리를 돌아다니지만, 결국 집을 찾지 못하고 헤어진다. 날을 새고서야 가까스로 집을 찾은 진욱은 다음날 탈북자 친구들을 만나러 부산으로 향한다. 부산행 버스에서 그는 버스를 잘못 탄 베트남 출신의 이주노동자 팅윤을 만난다. 한국어를 전혀 못하는 팅윤을 외면하지 못한 진욱은 팅윤을 보살피게 되고, 우여곡절 끝에 팅윤의 애인을 찾아 부안까지 동행하게 된다.