Tanel Saar

Tanel Saar

프로필 사진

Tanel Saar

참여 작품

3rd Octave F
A woman’s voice can silence injustice, lower weapons and stop trains. In this opera-western, the question is whether Ada can hit the right note to save her brother's and her own life from the vindictive Sheriff.
Feetless Shoes
How would a clown react if he felt threatened? The problems between Beto and his father are settled on the circus stage. Eno is a Circus's clan leader. The circus is in trouble and Eno receives the visit of Beto who comes to help out. The problem is that Eno and Beto can't exist in the same room. Eno is Beto’s mentor and his father, but above all, Eno is a clown.
ADR Actor
It's the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union's basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team's participation in the USSR's championship. That would contradict the people's aspirations for liberation. As professional athletes, the team makes the unpopular choice. The championship games start.
The Lion Blanket
Berta's sister Helena has gone missing and there is little hope of finding her. Berta visits the morgue, where she views several bodies, each with her own tragic story. How can Helena be one of them?
Eerie Fairy Tales
An anthology of bizarre, fantastic and spooky tales from the past, present and future, dealing with curses, witches, perfect crime and science experiments.
Following the rumors of illegal experiments, two investigators visit a forgotten Nazi research center, which supposedly hides an UFO. Why has everyone who's been to this facility signed a document, authorizing their memories to be wiped?
Accompanying Soldier
제2차 세계대전이 한창이던 1944년, 독일과 소련 사이에 끼어있던 에스토니아 사람들은 조금이라도 더 많은 전력을 확보하고자 하는 두 나라의 힘에 눌려 강제 징병을 당한다. 분명히 한 동포였는데도 불구하고 독일의 ‘무장 친위대’와 소련의 ‘붉은 군단’으로 나뉜 에스토니아 사람들. 총알이 빗발치는 전쟁터에서 ‘카알 토닉’은 자신과 똑 같은 이름을 갖고 있는 ‘카알’과 친구가 되지만 뒤늦게 자신들이 서로 다른 편에 서 있다는 것을 깨닫는다. 서로에게 총을 겨눌 수밖에 없는 적이 된 그들! 역사상 가장 비극적인 전투가 지금 시작된다.
The Last Romeo
Romantic country boy Lembo lives in a far away village, where men are drunkards and women are dreaming about the bright city life. Lembo has fallen in love with the village beauty Liisu and decides to propose her. The story takes an unexpected turn when Liisu's father and the vodka loving dog steps in. During one night lives and dreams will change and nothing will be like it used to be before.
I Was Here
Renita’s Boyfriend
Seventeen-year-old Rass is growing up in an Estonian suburb. In the absence of a solid home life his family becomes a group of youngsters who are verging on being thieves. Drugs are an inseparable part of their lives, and when Rass agrees to distribute them, he gets tangled up in the narcotics trade. Small amounts suddenly become two-kilo packages that the mafia, to the misfortune of all involved, has not been paid for, and is ready to collect on by force…
Shop of Dreams
Security Guard #2
Three friends return from a vacation and discover that the TV studio they work for has gone bankrupt - so they decide to start their own costume renting business.
Too Tired to Hate
This modern western depicting juvenile crime takes as its theme the struggle of an individual against a vicious circle of violence. The spiral of violence and revenge is only broken when one person conquers himself and refuses to continue the vendetta. Siim, a 14-year old who grew up in the streets, is only spared the violence because he has a natural antipathy to it. Ultimately he too is caught up in the fighting when he tries to save money for his girlfriend's Christmas gift and the cash is stolen.