Mark Mitchinson

Mark Mitchinson

출생 : 1966-07-06, England, UK

프로필 사진

Mark Mitchinson

참여 작품

이블 데드 라이즈
Mr. Fonda
길바닥에서 지친 베스가 비좁은 아파트에서 세 아이를 키우는 엘리를 뒤늦게 찾아간다. 아파트에서 신비로운 책이 발견되며 육체에 사로잡힌 악마가 발견되며, 베스가 가장 악몽 같은 버전의 모성애에 직면하게 되면서 생존에 위한 원초적인 싸움에 내몰리게 되는데...
Love Knots
Jodie Carpenter is the owner of 'The Loft', her family's sail-making company located near quaint Redmond's Bay Marina. When luxury developer Charles Prescott purchases the port looking to carry out a lavish expansion, Jodie fears that her business and heritage will be torn down and replaced.
An estranged father and daughter, both with newly diagnosed life altering illnesses, smoke marijuana together for the first time and it becomes healing in more ways than one.
Kenneth Ballantyne
In November 1947 forty-one people died in a massive blaze that gutted the huge Ballantynes Department Store complex in the heart of Christchurch’s business district. This is the tragic story of New Zealand’s worst fire disaster.
송 오브 러브
1966년, 친구들과 파티를 하고 돌아가던 에릭은 호숫가에서 울고 있는 로즈를 만나게 된다. 그녀를 다독이며 집으로 데려다 준 에릭, 둘은 운명처럼 사랑에 빠지고 연애를 시작한다. 그리고 여느 연인과 다를 것 없이 결혼을 하고 사랑스러운 아이도 낳아 함께 하지만, 자유로운 에릭으로 인해 로즈는 점점 지쳐간다. 그리고 결국 이별을 맞이하게 된 연인. 인디 밴드의 보컬 ‘메이지’는 어느 한 공연장의 무대 위로 올라가 공연을 시작한다. 오프닝 송을 부르자, 그녀의 눈 앞에 달콤했지만, 씁쓸한 사랑을 했던 연인, 자신의 어머니와 아버지의 이야기가 펼쳐진다.
모털 엔진
헤스터 쇼는 알 수 없는 이유로 런던 최상류층이자 새로운 견인도시 시스템을 정착시킨 과학자 발렌타인을 살해하려 한다. 발렌타인을 평소 존경하던 하위계층 톰 내츠워디가 이를 목격하고 저지하는데 발렌타인의 음모에 의해 헤스터와 톰이 모두 런던 바깥으로 쫓겨나고 만다. 아무것도 모른 채 시키는 대로만 살아온 톰은 발렌타인 때문에 비운의 삶을 살게 된 헤스터 옆을 졸졸 따라다니면서 세상 돌아가는 풍경과 권력자들의 음모, 이를 저지하려는 반견인도시연맹 세력들과 만난다.
No Shame
When a vulnerable young man returns home, he's confronted by a history of violence with his father, and the searing memory of a lost friend; he takes dramatic action.
Human Traces
When a mysterious young man arrives on a remote Sub-Antarctic research station, secrets threaten the relationship of a married couple working on the island.
Pike River
Steve Rose
On the 19th of November 2010, the Pike River mine exploded with 31 men trapped inside. In the immediate confusion that followed no one knew what had happened. Within hours two men would manage a heroic escape but 29 remained unaccounted for. Over five days the men’s families and loved ones waited, hoping they would come out alive. Then two further explosions sealed the men’s fate. However, the fuse that would eventually snuff out so many lives was lit decades before. Set in the drama of the five days between the three explosions, Pike River reveals the tragic back story of the mine where pressure for profits would eventually contribute to the deaths of 29 men. Featuring interviews with the Pike River families and scripted drama to depict key events.
Allen Galbraith
How the tragic death of one man triggered a David and Goliath battle between two Allies that echoed around the world and became the catalyst to end nuclear testing in the Pacific.
The Monster of Mangatiti
Bill Cornelius
When 19 year old Heather Walsh accepts a job on a farm in the Mangatiti Valley, she has no idea paradise will become a nightmare. This true New Zealand story tells of Heather's horrific ordeal.
Venus and Mars
Advocatus Diaboli (Voice)
When an attack on a Palmerston North fraud detective made headlines in October 1996, the New Zealand public followed the media reports with fascination. They read like a plot of a Hollywood film or detective novel. Poison pen letters, satanic worship, a police hate crime, and a mysterious and violent pyromaniac. But little did the public know that as the truth emerged, the story was going to get far more bizarre, and the police would turn the focus of their investigation on one of their own.
How to Murder Your Wife
Mike Bungay
A black comedy based on the true story of Alfred Benning's outlandish attempts to murder his overbearing wife in 1977.
호빗: 다섯 군대 전투
빌보 배긴스와 참나무 방패 소린, 난쟁이 족이 떠난 거대한 여정의 끝에 난쟁이 족은 원래 자신들의 터전이던 에레보르에 있는 엄청난 보물을 되찾지만 이는 무시무시한 용 스마우그가 호수마을의 무기력한 주민들을 공격하게 되는 결과를 낳는다. 소린은 탐욕에 서서히 눈이 멀어 우정과 명예를 저버린 채 왕의 보물 아르켄스톤을 찾는다. 암흑의 군주 사우론은 오크 군대를 보내 외로운 산에 기습 공격을 감행한다. 마침내 다섯 군대의 전투가 시작되고 빌보는 본인과 친구들의 목숨을 걸고 싸워야만 하는데...
Consent: The Louise Nicholas Story
John Dewar
Based on the best-selling book 'My Story' this feature length drama goes beyond the headlines to tell an intimate story about secrets and one woman's struggle to have them heard. In 1993 Louise Nicholas made her first shocking accusations about being raped by policemen. Some believed her, many didn't. CONSENT tells the story of the senior policeman who went to great lengths to help her fight her case, the journalist who exposed the truth, and the family at the center of the storm.
호빗: 스마우그의 폐허
사나운 용 스마우그가 빼앗아간 동쪽의 외로운 산 에레보르 왕국을 되찾기 위해 뜻하지 않은 여정을 떠나게 된 호빗 빌보 배긴스와 간달프, 그리고 난쟁이족 왕족의 후예 소린이 이끄는 13명의 난쟁이족. 원정대는 외로운 산으로 가는 길에 어둠의 숲에서 모습을 자유자재로 바꾸는 베오른과 거대한 거미떼를 만나고, 난쟁이들에게 적대적인 엘프족에게 잡혔다가 도망쳐 호수마을을 지나는 등 다양한 모험을 하게 된다. 그리고 마침내 지금껏 만났던 그 어떤 존재보다도 위험하고 모두의 용기와 우정, 지혜의 한계를 시험에 들게 한 용 스마우그와 맞닥뜨리게 되는데...
Jan Molenaar
On the 7th of May 2009, Senior Constables Len Snee, Grant Diver and Bruce Miller arrived at 41 Chaucer Rd in Napier to serve a search warrant on Jan Molenaar for the growing of cannabis. This was just a routine warrant, something they had done countless times. What was meant to be an ordinary procedure turned into three of New Zealand’s darkest days and ended with one police officer dead, two officers critically injured and a member of the public fighting for his life. In some fifty hours Jan Molenaar made a permanent and devastating imprint upon the national psyche of New Zealand as he changed the lives of individuals, families, a police community, and a city. The siege was one of the worst and unexpected cases of violence both Napier and New Zealand had witnessed and it was all the more shocking because of its ordinary suburban backdrop.
Sione's 2: Unfinished Business
Homeless Man
Fast-forward five years and things havent quite gone as the boys might have planned: Albert is now married to Tania and they are living in suburbia, both working in insurance and also trying (unsuccessfully) to have a baby; Sefa and Leilani are still together and now have two kids although despite Sefas proposal, theyre still not married. And while Sefas business is falling apart, Leilani seems to be living life to the full; Stanley is now a trainee Deacon in the Future Church; Michael has moved to Australia but the boys dont hear from him often; and Bolo has thrown in his job with Sefa and taken up work with Sione, Michaels younger brother.
Police Commissioner Walton
1981 - The Springbok tour divides NZ. Off the pitch, star-crossed lovers meet and hearts break in a thrilling drama.
Tom Parkinson
The personal story of New Zealand's most beloved entertainer Billy T James. Reveals the man behind the chuckle.
After the Waterfall
A forest ranger is haunted by the disappearance of his four-year-old daughter, and the subsequent breakup of his marriage. He discovers his ex-wife Ana is pregnant to the policeman in charge of his missing daughter's case.
Colin Bouwer
In 1999, South African emigrant psychiatrist Colin Bouwer murdered his wife in what he thought was an undetectable manner. He was not counting on the skills and tenacity of New Zealand police and his colleagues in the medical profession.
An ex-Boer war guerrilla in New Zealand is sent out to bring back a Maori accused of killing a British soldier. Gradually they grow to know and respect one another but a posse, led by the British Commanding officer is close behind and his sole intention is to see the Maori hang. Written by Filmfinders 1903. A guerilla fighter from the South African Boer war called Arjan (Winstone) takes on a manhunt for Maori seaman Kereama (Morrison), who is accused of murdering a British soldier. What follows is a cat and mouse pursuit through the varied landscape of NZ with both hunter and huntee testing their bushcraft and wits against that of the other. Written by Anonymous
Clive de Roo scientist discovers a new source of seismic activity beneath the Gulf of Waitemata. Provides that a new volcanic eruption could occur within the next few days. But it's hard to convince skeptical colleagues, undertook efforts to minimize the effects of this disaster. When the talks on the radio about the threat, we all think he's a harmless lunatic. An ambitious wife of Clive fears, however, that the discovery of her husband may deter investors, which would win for the company, in which he works.
언더월드: 라이칸의 반란
어둠이 지배하는 세상 아래의 세계. 그곳에서 최고 계급층인 뱀파이어 족과 그들에게 노예로 길러진 늑대인간 ‘라이칸’ 족은 수백 년간 종속 관계를 이어간다. 한편 라이칸 족의 루시안은 노예 종족 임에도 불구하고 뱀파이어 족의 왕인 빅터의 총애를 받아 자신의 종족을 통제한다. 그러나 루시안은 빅터의 딸 소냐와 비밀리에 금지된 사랑을 나누며 자신의 영원한 자유를 위해 함께 탈출을 계획한다. 그러던 어느 날, 루시안은 베어울프와 전투 중 위험에 처한 소냐를 구하기 위해 금기시 되어있는 칼라(라이칸을 제어하는 목에 차는 도구)를 제거 했다는 이유로 처형 위기에 처하고, 그런 루시안을 위해 소냐는 목숨을 걸고 그를 탈출시킨다. 탈출에 성공한 루시안은 그의 동족 라이칸들과 베어울프를 집결시켜 뱀파이어 족에 대항해 거대한 전쟁을 선포하는데…
Show of Hands
Alex Lee Lerner
Jess is a solo mother and reluctant parking warden. Tom is a self-obsessed greetings cards salesman with an addiction to competitions who will do anything to win. Together they are just two of the competitors in a gruelling endurance contest to win a car - whoever keeps their hand on it the longest wins. As the sleepless days wear by, what price will they pay for winning this competition?
The Man Who Lost His Head
Murphy (as Mike Mitchison)
Martin Clunes stars as a straight-laced museum curator who finds himself travelling to New Zealand to settle a dispute with a Maori community about an ancient carving - with unexpected consequences.