섬세하고 나약한 지식인인 조셉 케이의 집에 경찰이 들이닥치고 그는 죄목도 밝히지 않은 채 구속된다. 그 뒤 케이는 자신의 무죄 석방을 위해 경찰과 변호사, 법관들, 끝내는 신까지 차례로 만난다. 한편 경찰과 변호사, 법관들도 인간인지라 헛점 투성이였고, 그들이 헛점을 위장하기 위해 허세를 부리는 것을 목격한 케이는 좌절하며 반항한다.
Le Havre, France, in 1949. In a town that still shows the scars of war, several friends meet up in Albert's café. One of them, Laurent, has lost his job on the docks and his marriage to Madeleine is falling apart. He knows that his wife wants to start an affair with friend, Jean Sauviot. Jean is a lonely man who is attracted to Madeleine but doesn't want to commit himself to the wife of a friend. On the day that Madeleine tells her husband that she is seeing Jean, Laurent goes looking for Jean to find an explanation. Arriving on the docks in the evening, he attacks an American sailor who looks like Jean, but the man fights back and runs away after killing Laurent accidentally. Madeleine thinks that Laurent was killed by Jean and believes that she can start a new life with her lover. The police have other ideas...