Dinda is an introverted student who is terrorized by a female ghost in a red dress. However, Dinda's concern for her sister and best friend makes Dinda never give up on solving the mystery she faces, even though her life is threatened. Putra, his friend, always helps Dinda uncover the figure of the woman in the red dress that haunts her.
고용주의 음모로 아버지가 죽고, 어머니마저 떠나버려 한순간에 고아가 된 ‘산차카’. 거리의 거친 환경 속에서 오직 생존만을 위해 살아가던 ‘산차카’는 우연히 번개를 다룰 수 있는 초능력을 얻게 된다. 강력한 힘을 가진 후 선택의 기로에 서게 된 ‘산차카’! 과연 그는 최악의 상황으로 치닫는 도시 속, 억압받는 이들을 위한 영웅으로 거듭날 수 있을까..?
An inter-faith family come to a conflict when the mother, Maryam, died. The children (Fara, Aryo, and Adi) and the housemaid (Ijah) debating on how Maryam will get buried. When Maryam's funeral problem get solved, turns out that other problems still haunting them one by one.