Estelle came across Ana, her teenage crush, but she has no idea of what this meeting would imply...
특수부대 중사 출신 ‘제임스 하퍼’는 전역을 명 받고 법의 테두리 밖에서 국가에 충성하는 극비 조직에 합류한다. 그에게 주어진 첫번째 미션은, 전세계를 혼란에 빠뜨릴 바이러스 테러를 막는 것. 그러나, 미션 수행 도중 거대한 음모에 휘말리게 되고 충격과 위기를 겪게 되는데… 더 이상 물러설 곳은 없다. 모든 것을 건, 새로운 미션이 시작된다!
An expatriate in Turkey, Claire pays the services of a smuggler to flee the country with her only daughter, whose custody she has just lost. But he abandons them in a dilapidated house in the middle of the forest.
Selma's Mother
1993년 파리, 17살 셀마는 부르주아 계급의 베르베르인 가정에서 자란다. 도발적인 성격의 청년 줄리앙을 만난 후, 누군가와 친밀함을 느끼는 데 가부장적인 가정 환경이 얼마나 큰 영향을 미치는지 깨닫는다. 셀마는 자신의 두려움과 직면하고 욕망의 힘과 위험을 탐구한다.
소수민족 야지디족의 젊은 여성, 자라는 어느 날 IS의 습격을 받게 되고 납치되어 노예로 팔리게 된다. 한편 IS에 저항하기 위해 세계 각국에서 자발적으로 모인 젊은 여성들은 쿠르드족과 함께 저항군을 조직하여 IS에게 피해를 받은 사람들을 위해 대신 싸워주는데... 가까스로 탈출한 자라는 쿠르드족 저항군의 도움을 받게 되고 저항군에 합류하여 함께 싸우기로 결심한다. 아직 IS에게 납치되어 고통받고 있는 사람들을 위해 자라는 '레드스네이크'라는 이름으로 쿠르드족의 용감한 여전사들과 함께 반격을 시작한다!
Madame de Heredia
19세기 파리. 자유로운 영혼의 시인 피에르(니엘스 슈나이더)와 마리(노에미 메를랑)는 서로 사랑하지만, 마리는 부모님의 뜻을 따라 피에르의 친구와 결혼을 한다. 상처받은 피에르는 알제리로 떠나고, 그곳에서 예술적인 영감을 주는 매혹적인 뮤즈 조흐라(카멜리아 조르다나)를 만나 그녀의 누드사진을 찍기 시작한다. 1년 후. 애정 없는 결혼생활을 이어가던 마리는 피에르가 조흐라와 함께 파리에 돌아왔다는 소식을 듣고 그를 찾아간다. 여전히 서로를 잊지 못하고 있던 마리와 피에르는 은밀한 관계를 이어가고, 마리는 피에르의 사진작품들을 보며 자신의 누드사진을 찍어달라고 하는데… “사진 모델이 되고 싶어요. 도덕 따윈 아랑곳하지 않는 자세로”
Johanna van Gogh-Bonger
빈센트 반 고흐는 생전 단 한 작품 밖에 그림을 팔지 못했으나, 지금은 전 세계에서 가장 유명하고 사랑받는 화가로 꼽힌다. 광기의 예술가, 비운의 천재 등 수많은 수식어와 함께 그의 굴곡진 삶은 신화 그 자체가 되었다. 가난과 외로움 속에 살던 화가 빈센트 반 고흐는 운명의 친구 폴 고갱을 만난다. 그마저도 자신을 떠나자 깊은 슬픔에 빠지지만 신이 준 선물, 자연의 아름다움을 담기 위해 몰두한다. 불멸의 걸작이 탄생한 프랑스 아를에서부터 오베르 쉬르 우아즈까지, 빈센트 반 고흐의 눈부신 마지막 나날을 담은 기록.
Annella Perlman
17살 소년 엘리오의 가족은 매년 여름 손님을 받는다. 엘리오의 아버지 펄먼 교수의 일을 돕는 보조 연구원은 6주 동안 이곳에 머물며 사람들과 어울리고 자유로운 식사, 일광욕과 수영을 즐긴다. 올해 집을 찾은 24살 올리버는 모든 사람이 호감을 갖는 사람이다. 하지만 엘리오의 감정은 좀더 특별하다. 처음 보는 순간부터 그를 의식했고, 그 실체가 동성에게 품은 사랑임을 깨달은 후에는 적대감을 갖고 있는 것처럼 군다. 하지만 엘리오가 자신의 진짜 속내를 내비친 후 두 사람은 서로의 마음이 같다는 것을 알게 된다.
Alexandro volunteers for an experiment to aid scientists with the study of dreams. He couldn’t have imagined that he would be subjected to Elsa, a form of Artificial Intelligence who plans to digitize and dematerialize his subconscious in order to feed off it.
Gabrielle Monti
The body of a shady businessman is found on the jetty in the port of Toga, in Bastia. The investigation, Commander Gabrielle Monti's first since returning to the country, begins on a tightrope between the past and the present.
Eva Said
영혼을 부르는 능력을 지닌 미국인 자매가 교령회를 위해 파리에 왔다가 자신들의 이야기를 영화로 찍고 싶다는 제안을 받으며 벌어지는 신비로운 이야기를 그린 미스터리 판타지
When the ambitious Philip takes over the running of the family business from his father, he finds himself confronted by the mysterious reappearance of his dead ancestors. In the course of a long night, during which there is a murder, an illicit love affair and a game with false identities, Philip uncovers a closely guarded family secret.
Seances, co-created with the National Film Board of Canada, presents a wholly new way of experiencing film narrative. By dynamically generating a series of film sequences in unique configurations, potentially hundreds of thousands of new stories are conjured by code. Each will exist only in the moment—no pausing, scrubbing, or sharing—offering the audience one chance to see the generated film. This project, co-created by the ever imaginative Guy Maddin, is a visual discourse on the impact of loss within film. All the sequences pay homage to lost silent films from the early day of cinema. Seances is nostalgic but it is also frequently hilarious. Part of the joy and sadness of Seances is that many possible narratives are created but they can be only viewed once before they disappear forever.
Mrs. M____
무정부주의적인 스토리, 테크니컬러에 기초한 색채 미학, 장르의 혼성으로 점철된 완전히 새로운 미학을 시도하는 영화. 낡은 카메라와 필름 조각들에 대한 페티시즘을 전면화하면서 유령과 환영으로 이어지는 미로의 체험을 선사한다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제) 리뷰 캐나다의 아방가르드 감독 가이 매딘이 쓰고 연출한 은 끝없는 상상력의 절경을 체험하게 한다. 꿈의 미로를 헤매는 것 같은 분위기로 좌중을 압도하는 이 영화는 종잡을 수 없는 방향으로 꼬리를 물고 이어지는 이야기의 연속이다. 간단한 시놉시스로 영화를 요약한다는 것조차 불가능하다. 가이 매딘은 2009년 이후 줄곧 협력해온 젊은 예술가 에반 존슨과 공동으로 이 영화를 연출했다. 무정부주의적인 스토리, 테크니컬러에 기초한 색채 미학, 장르의 혼성으로 점철된 이 영화는 시효가 끝나버린 영화형식으로 창조해낸 완전히 새로운 미학의 결정체이다. 무성영화 시대의 캐릭터와 영화, 스타일로부터 받은 영감을 현란하게 펼쳐놓으면서 매딘은 거대한 노스탤지어의 시간을 연출한다. 낡은 카메라와 필름 조각들에 대한 페티시즘을 전면화하면서 영화는 유령과 환영의 시간으로 안내하는 미로의 체험을 선사한다. 샬롯 램플링, 제랄딘 채플린, 마티유 아말릭, 마리아 드 메데이로스 등의 익숙한 배우들이 예상치 못한 순간에 튀어나오는 의외성도 일관되어 있다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제/장병원)
Miriam Kaminski
Young journalist Sebastian Zöllner is writing an article on artist Manuel Kaminski. Zöllner hopes that Kaminski dies soon, so that he can cash in on his article.
Anne-Marie Munoz
스물한 살에 크리스찬 디올의 수석 디자이너가 된 천재, 여성에게 바지 정장을 선사한 패션 혁명가, 하지만 우울증과 알코올 중독에 시달린 외로운 예술가. 그리고 영화, 젊음, 아름다움, 부를 모두 가졌지만 고립된 세계에서 미를 추구했던 남자. 세계적인 패션 디자이너임과 동시에 파멸적이고 탄생적인 삶에 모든 걸 걸었던 예술가 이브 생 로랑. 그의 인생은 일생 일대의 뮤즈들을 만나면서 더욱 혹독하고 뜨거운 탐미 속으로 빠져드는데...
Clement, a young philosophy teacher, is sent to Arras for a year. He meets Jennifer, a pretty hair stylist, and the two freely share their hearts and bodies as they try to overcome the cultural and social divide between them.
Hanna von Stezewitz
Vienna's high society parties with sex, drugs, alcohol and young models. Hanna von Stezewitz stands in the center of it all. She's young, attractive and rich, head of a corporate group and one of Vienna's most important financers.
The Abbess
말 중개상을 하는 미하엘 콜하스(매즈 미캘슨)는 다른 지방으로 넘어가려는 다리에서 새 남작이 강압적으로 통행료를 받고 있음을 알게 된다. 이에 반발하자 그에게 돌아온 건 여윈 말과 폭행 당한 하인, 그리고 소송장을 내러 갔다가 싸늘한 시체로 돌아온 아내였다. 급기야 딸의 목숨까지 위협해오는 공권력에 분노한 미하엘은 남작에 대한 복수를 계획하는데…
In the 1980s, an Israeli refugee, deemed a traitor, coaches West Germany's basketball team.
Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?
Everyone knows that Ruben is Jewish, gay, half-French, half-Finnish, an ungrateful son and disappointing lover, a thief who can’t help himself, and possibly a murderer to boot. The only person who doesn't know who Ruben is is Ruben himself. When he comes to a major turning point in his life, Ruben cannot make up his mind which way to go. Should he follow his people or his heart?
Dora Maar
The story of the relationship between Dora Maar and Pablo Picasso
Anna Di Biaggio
Lyon, France in 1970s, Sibylle, Corinne, and Georgette are sisters who share everything, as they live with their Italian mother. Sibylle is the only blonde in the family, except for their father who abandoned them, and she feels isolated. She dreams of meeting her French father one day.
Madame Gommette
Listening in to a conversation between his doctor and parents, 10-year-old Oscar learns what nobody has the courage to tell him. He only has a few weeks to live. Furious, he refuses to speak to anyone except straight-talking Rose, the lady in pink he meets on the hospital stairs. As Christmas approaches, Rose uses her fantastical experiences as a professional wrestler, her imagination, wit and charm to allow Oscar to live life and love to the full, in the company of his friends Pop Corn, Einstein, Bacon and childhood sweetheart Peggy Blue. Written by American Film Market
Client with the socket
As she does every morning, Lucie takes advantage of her journey to work to lose herself for a while in the pages of a good book. And as she does every morning, she joins her colleagues at the office with a smile. It's a working day just like any other. Then suddenly all activity in the office stops. All attention is turned towards the window of the opposite building opposite and abanner reading: Man Alone. Is it a hoax? A cry for help? Everyone has his own interpretation, and will try, by any means possible, to discover what lies behind this mysterious message.
Nyla Jayde
Shattered by the loss of her child, Nyla Jayde, a brilliant criminal defense attorney, takes on a case involving a 14th century Moroccan legend, a vengeful spirit named Kandisha.
In 1945, Corsica, an important landowner named Ottavio Della Rocca decides to marry her youngest daughter, Vanina, the son of the Caponi family. Because the old Della Rocca intends to consolidate its power while the Liberation redistributes the cards. Vanina but does not want this union. During the war, she met a jazz musician in Marseille and can not imagine marry another - even to save the family estate. At night, she fled and left the island. Enraged, Ottavio decides to disinherit. But the idea to sell all his property to his two eldest, Antonia and Flavia, do little delights. In fact, he despises blithely ...
Muriel, the maid
Pauline, une riche héritière, a été mariée contre son gré par son père à un de ses employés, François, qui l'avait mise enceinte.Quand, quelques mois plus tard, son mari lui annonce qu'il veut la quitter, Pauline, furieuse, laisse sur le téléphone de ce dernier des menaces de mort.Alexis Target, un ouvrier qui travaille dans la maison de Pauline, entend la jeune femme proférer ces menaces.François meurt, le soir même, dans un accident de voiture.Le jour de l'enterrement, Alexis revient voir Pauline en affirmant qu'il a exaucé son souhait et a tué François.Alexis entre alors par effraction dans la vie de Pauline. Car lui aussi poursuit une vengeance...
French writer Luca Morandi was born in Italy. He is forty years old and finds himself at a crossroads in his life. He doesn't know where to turn: France, his adopted home where he was raised, or Italy, the country of his birth, perfect, wonderful and ideal, like a child’s dream.
The journalist
Getting away from it all causes more problems than it solves in this comedy from the French writing-directing team of Jean-Marie Larrieu and Arnaud Larrieu. Alexandre Darou (Jean-Pierre Darroussin) and his wife Aurore Lalu (Sabine Azema) are a pair of well-known actors who need a break from the tension and fast pace of their lives in show biz. Adopting the names "Mr. and Mrs. Go," Alexandre and Aurore head for a village high in the mountains of Southwest France, where they hope to enjoy some relaxing downtime and they won't be bothered. However, Alexandre and Aurore underestimated their own fame, and it isn't long before everyone in the town knows that a pair of movie stars are in their midst. As the couple head into the hills, Alexandre and Aurore discover they don't have much of a talent for roughing it, and while she believed that getting away from the city would help her deal with a recent bout with nymphomania, getting back to nature only increases her appetite for other men.
When the dead body of Mr Kaplan is found, a kitchen knife in the back, all eyes turn to the maid. When the widow reveals that her departed husband was incapable of giving her children, all eyes turn to the widow. Beneath this passionate crime, a modern day detective will discover that temptation, devotion, remorse and desire are the best fuels for killing love.
Werner Schroeter directed this dark and surreal tale of a man determined to save a lost lover from a grim fate at the hands of a violent mob. The city of Santa Maria is falling into chaos as an armed military faction is poised to take power in a coup d'etat. Ossorio used to call Santa Maria home, and he has returned in its darkest hour to find the woman he loves, hoping to rescue her from the violence that is lurks around the corner. As Ossorio searches for his love, he meets Victoria in a shabby hotel, who in turn introduces him to her father Barcala, who for the right price is willing to take Ossorio and another passenger away on his boat. While Ossorio is willing to pay Barcala what he wants, can he find the mysterious woman before the ship sets sail?
Mademoiselle Divine des Airelles
1835년, 온갖 스캔들이 난무하는 프랑스 파리. 사교계의 카사노바로 명성이 높은 마리니는 아름다운 외모와 뛰어난 화술로 여성들에게 높은 인기를 누리고 있다. 귀족 가문의 에르망갸드와 결혼을 앞두고 있는 그는 10년동안 이별과 만남을 습관처럼 반복하며 연인 관계를 유지해 온 스페인 무희 벨리니와의 관계를 정리한다. 주위의 만류에도 불구하고 마리니와의 결혼을 추진하는 에르망갸드의 할머니는 마리니에게 벨리니와의 관계에 대해 소상히 얘기해달라며 마리니와 밤을 지샌다. 그리고 무사히 결혼식을 치른 후, 마리니와 에르망갸드는 파리를 떠나 조용한 해안가 마을에서 행복한 신혼 생활을 즐긴다. 그들의 행복도 잠시 뿐. 어느 날, 벨리니가 나타나 마리니의 주변을 맴도는데…
Zingarina arrives in Transylavania, accompanied by her close friend Marie and her guide and interpreter Luminitsa. She is not there only to visit this region of Romania but to trace her lover Milan, a musician who has made her pregnant and who left her without a word of explanation. When she finds him back, he brutally rejects her and Zingarina is terribly upset. She leaves her two companions and having become a wreck she hardly survives by following a wandering little girl. Her destiny changes for the best when she meets Tchangalo, a traveling trader...
Malvina van Stille
미치광이 드로즈 박사는 유명한 오페라 가수 말비나를 그녀의 결혼식 전날 납치하여 카르파티아 산맥 깊은 곳에 자리한 자신의 저택으로 데려온다. 이때 한 순진한 피아노 조율사가 드로즈 박사의 기이한 자동인형들을 손보기 위해 이 저택으로 찾아온다. 그는 드로즈 박사가 “악마의 오페라”를 무대에 올릴 계획을 세우고 있음을 알게 된 이후, 말비나를 구출해 함께 탈출하고자 한다.
애니메이션과 라이브 액션이 결합된 <지진 속의 피아노 조율사>는 독특하고 환상적인 작품들로 명성을 떨쳐 온 퀘이 형제 영화세계의 진수를 맛보게 하는 작품이다. 아르놀트 뵈클린, 르네 마그리트의 회화 및 미켈란젤로 안토니오니의 영화 등으로부터의 영향이 느껴지는 비주얼과 작곡가 트레보 던칸의 환각적인 스코어의 결합이 영화의 무드를 조성하는 데 일조하고 있다. 2005 로카르노 영화제 특별언급
An affluent, middle-aged couple's uneventful lives are forever changed when they move into an isolated house in the country and befriend an odd, younger couple.
Simon Arcos has a unique method for overcoming stress and the sores of life. Jean, Léa, Nathalie, Yolaine, Antoine and Hervé signed up for one of his internships. They are not out of the woods.
The year is 1817. Minon, a five-year-old girl, leaves her aunt Therese of Brunswick, who has raised her like a mother since her birth, to go and live with her parents, the Count and Countess von Stakelberg. One day, Gabrielle, her housekeeper, who is no longer in her right mind, reveals that her real father is the composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Twenty years later, still intrigued by this confession, Minon decides to unravel the mystery of her origins. She returns to the place of her early childhood, hoping to find the truth with her aunt, who was for years the faithful friend of the great composer.
In the psychiatric clinic Rhien, residents and caregivers maintain unique and funny relationships.
The woman
테크노 리듬에 맞추어 춤을 추고 있던 남자들이 서로를 욕망하며 인스턴트 관계를 맺는다. 아름다운 여자 주인공은 그 곳에서 한 게이에게 끌리지만 거절당하고, 화장실에 들어가 면도칼로 손목을 긋는다. 그녀를 발견한 그 남자는 그녀를 구하고 집까지 바래다 준다. 그녀는 남자에게 자신의 집으로 와서 자신이 볼 수 없는 몸의 부분을 봐달라고 제안하고 남자는 돈을 원한다. 외딴 해변의 벼랑 끝에 위치한, 기묘한 분위기인 그녀의 집에서 둘은 나흘 밤을 보내게 되고, 그 곳에서 그가 탐험하게 된 것은 이제껏 남자들에겐 보여지거나 말해질 수 없었던 여성의 비밀스러운 성적인 모습이었다.
Assia Wevill
1956년 이른 봄 영국. 한 파티장에서 케임브리지로 유학을 온 미국 학생 실비아는 장래가 촉망되는 문인이자 평론가로 활동 중이던 테드 휴즈를 만나게 되고 첫눈에 사랑을 느낀다. 테드 역시 실비아에게 거부할 수 없는 운명적 끌림을 느끼고 결국 둘은 결혼까지 이르게 되지만 영원할 것만 같던 행복은 시간이 지날수록 실비아의 병적일 정도로 집요한 사랑에 대한 집착과 테드의 자유분방한 생활 방식 때문에 점점 어긋난다. 결국 둘은 자꾸만 빗나가는 사랑으로 갈등을 반복하면서도 서로를 깊이 사랑하는 마음 하나로 관계를 유지해 간다. 실비아는 대학 강의와 작품 활동을 병행하며 역량 있는 여류 시인으로 자리를 잡아가게 되고, 테드 또한 시인으로서 승승장구를 거듭한다. 하지만 언제 끝날지 모를 만큼 불안하기만 했던 그들의 결혼 생활은 테드의 외도로 결국 파경에 이르게 된다. 이혼 후, 사랑하는 사람의 배신과 이별의 아픔으로 힘겨워 하던 실비아는 마치 광기의 경계선에 서 있는 듯 더욱 창작 활동에 매진하여 다작의 시와 소설을 완성하지만 결국 외로움과 고독을 극복하지 못하고 자살을 결심하게 되는데…
Renée is Laurence's grandmother and she intends to show her how to make rich men fall in love with her, in order to get their life insurance's money. Both women will meet several men in the course of the movie. Even the cynical Renée will fall deeply in love again. But even after getting married, Laurence and Renée don't seem to be able to love their husband for a long time. Will they manage to get rid of their rich, loving but irritating husbands? Will their husbands survive the experience? Or will true love triumph at the end?
Samy, a young Franco-Algerian, hits a policeman at a roadblock and must flee France. He takes refuge with his grandfather in Algeria. But he does not speak the local language, and everything is strange to him, even members of his family: Nadia his cousin, a pregnant widow; and Qu'Issam another cousin, who was expelled from France, and hates everything French. Samy's grandfather lives in the memory of a piece of land that no longer produces any wealth. Samy will never give the reason for his presence, but the chaotic climate of the country will revive the chaos that is in him.
Claude Duty's feature-length debut Filles Perdues, Cheveux Gras (Hypnotized and Hysterical, (Hairstylist Wanted)) is an offbeat comedy about three women. Elodi (Olivia Bonamy) is a struggling single mother. Natacha (Marina Fois) is an upbeat alcoholic hair stylist whose beloved pet cat has disappeared. Marianne (Amira Casar) is drawn to a roguish, sexually adventurous art dealer. Their lives intertwine in a variety of ways. Song and dance numbers, as well as animated sequences, punctuate the film.
The old Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel (1900-83) imagines a movie plot, set in Toledo in the future 2002, about the fantastic adventure of three actors, who play him and his friends, the painter Salvador Dalí (1904-89) and the poet Federico García Lorca (1898-1936), and their search for King Solomon's table, a mythical artifact capable of revealing the past, present and future.
When his long-time disappeared father is entering his life again, Jean-Luc, a successful doctor, has no option but to face his own life story. Will he ever be able to forget and forgive?
Helena von Strauss
Agatha Christie's classic whodunit speeds into the twenty-first century. World-famous sleuth Hercule Poirot has just finished a case in Istanbul and is returning home to London onboard the luxurious Orient Express. But, the train comes to a sudden halt when a rock slide blocks the tracks ahead. And all the thrills of riding the famous train come to a halt when a man discovered dead in his compartment, stabbed nine times. The train is stranded. No one has gotten on or gotten off. That can only mean one thing: the killer is onboard, and it is up to Hercule Poirot to find him. [from]
Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.
At thirty, Simon is juggling with life and it's problems. He is torn between his job as a journalist at "Tobacco Monthly", his girlfreind Christine with whom he can't seem to have a child and his friends Fabrice, Léa and Roché. On the family side, he should be sorting things out with his psychiatrist father but he mainly takes care of his Granma who is loosing her mind and making life impossible for everyone around her. When he meets Claire, a pregnant neighbour neglected by her husband, his life takes an unexpected turn.
A porn film director convinces his producer to make a romantic film, but the cast is grappling with tensions in their private lives.
Frédérique's mother has died recently leaving her the family stud farm. She's never met her father, doesn't even know his name. But she finds it on the back of an old photo. She sets off for Paris. She stays with her gay dancer pal Marc. Marc and friends decide to go to their favourite gay bar... but it's men only. So Frédérique becomes Frédéric, an effeminate gay boy... Frédérique follows her father. Pierre Arroux is an art curator - and gay. She introduces herself to him, but as Frédéric. So while Frédéric is quite an awkward young man and an embarrassment to his father, Frédérique is secretly meeting with her old boyfriend now living in Paris..
Four gay French expatriots share a business in Barcelona. When they and their parents are thrown together for a "coming out" party, another French Farce ensues.
Jeune femme de la villa
A random montage of disturbing images tell a story about one summer in the lives of two teenagers who somehow find love within each other, Orso and Marie. After they realize this, they run off to a hidden island off the coast of France where they can not be bothered until Orso's hunger for danger and crime become too much for him, forcing him to return to his normal life...
Sandra Benzakhem
The sentimental and comedic adventures of Eddie, a non-Jew trying to pass as Jewish though totally ignorant of Jewish traditions, as he works in a Jewish community
Edward is an editor in a small English publishing house. The story concerns what happens when he receives a very good manuscript from Nicholas, an old friend, who up until now has been a hack writer. The manuscript sheds light on events both men lived through, and Edward comes to the conviction that it reveals that it was Nicholas who raped the woman Edward loved, and that he is therefore responsible for her subsequent suicide. Very carefully, he plots his revenge.
Sharpe, with his new commanding officer, is sent to capture a castle when news comes of locals who will rise against Bonaparte. However, he is somewhat distracted by thoughts of his wife whom he was forced to leave while stricken with fever.
Every Sunday, Mary, Alice and Joan, three long-time friends, find themselves at the pool to talk about their love affairs. Mary, who is a stockbroker, leads her love life with meetings. One night she is raped by Franck in a nightclub toilet. The young woman then discovers she is pregnant. Alice, a student dominated by an authoritarian father, she has difficult relationship with men. She meets a painter who wants to make her his model. Jeanne lives a dreary relationship with her husband and decides to work and earn a living through prostitution.
Directed by Véronique Aubouy