First Assistant "A" Camera
An erstwhile late-night comedy writer Max Brandel who blows up his successful career — and marriage — to become a somewhat less successful stand-up comic. Moving in with his father Stan, a gifted but eccentric chef turned doorman, and at loggerheads with his ex-wife and her new partner over how to best provide accommodations for their 9-year-old autistic son, Ezra, and give him the happy life he deserves. Brandel decides the solution is to kidnap Ezra and take him on a trek across the country. The result is honest, hilarious, and heart-warming.
First Assistant "B" Camera
소방관 아버지를 잃고 정체된 삶을 살아온 스콧. 20대가 되었지만 여전히 엄마에게 얹혀사는 신세인데. 어느 날 소방관과 사귄다는 엄마의 고백에, 그의 인생은 경로를 이탈하기 시작한다.
First Assistant Camera
마이크 다이아몬드와 애덤 호로비츠가 자신들의 밴드와 40년 우정에 대한 이야기를 풀어내는 다큐멘터리
First Assistant Camera
An aspiring actress, her misfit best friend, and a loner become engaged in an intimate and complicated relationship.
First Assistant Camera
신비로운 새로운 소녀가 교외의 교외 지역에 도착하여 재빨리 도시를 공포에 떨게 한다. 그녀가 집에 침입하고 탑승자들을 고문하기 시작하면서, 그들은 그녀가 옆집 소녀가 아니라는 것을 깨닫기 시작한다.
Assistant Camera
A hot, young and charming man with ulterior motives enters the lives of a tight-knit group of gay men in New York City and at first adds excitement and intrigue to their group, but events soon spiral out of control as he deliberately attempts to destroy their relationships.