Mary Wickes
출생 : 1910-06-13, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
사망 : 1995-10-22
Mary Wickes (born Mary Isabella Wickenhauser) was an American stage, screen, and television actress. Her specialty was wisecracking no-nonsense types.
Mrs. Battison
This film was not intended to stand by itself, but was designed as the cinematic aspect of Welles' Mercury Theatre stage presentation of William Gillette's 1894 comedy about a New York playboy who flees from the violent husband of his mistress and borrows the identity of a plantation owner in Cuba who is expecting the arrival of a mail order bride. The film component of the performance was ultimately never screened due to the absence of projection facilities at the venue. Long-believed to be lost, a workprint was discovered in 2008 and the film had its premiere in 2013.
Herself (archive footage)
A compilation that highlights works from the Three Stooges. It includes the shorts Brideless Groom, Sing a Song of Six Pants, and Malice in the Palace, also Ed Wynn's live TV Camel Comedy Caravan starring Shemp, Larry, and Moe.
Emma Allen (archive footage) (uncredited)
Actress Rosemary Clooney reminisces about the making of the classic holiday film White Christmas (1954).
Gargoyle Laverne (voice)
흉측한 노틀담의 종지기 콰지모도는 대성당을 나가본 적이 없다. 파리의 영주이자 콰지모도의 주인인 클레드 프롤로는 집시인 콰지모도의 엄마를 죽이고 그것에 대한 속죄로 콰지모도를 키우고 있다. 언제나 대성당에만 있어야 하는 콰지모도, 청년이 된 그는 인간 세상에 나가고 싶어 만우제 가장행렬에 구경나와서 집시인 에스메랄다를 보고 반한다. 그러나 바보들의 왕을 뽑는 행사에서 콰지모도가 왕으로 뽑히고, 처음에 즐거워하던 사람들도 콰지모도가 변장한 것이 아니라 실제 얼굴임을 알고는 콰지모도를 공격하고 에스메랄다는 콰지모도를 구해게 되는데...
Aunt March
마치가에는 온화하고 표용력있는 맏딸 메그(Meg March: 트리니 알바라도 분), 화달하고 적극적인 조(Jo March: 위노나 라이더 분), 내성적인 베스(Beth March: 클레어 데인스 분), 깜찍하고 야무진 막내 에이미(Amy March: 커스틴 던스트 분) 네 자매가 있다. 이들은 남북전쟁에 참전 중인 아버지의 안전을 기원하며 어머니(Marmee March: 수잔 서랜든 분)와 함께 다섯 식구가 어려운 겨울 생활을 꾸려나가는 중에도 가족간의 사랑이 넘쳐흐르고 주위의 어려운 사람을 돕는데 열심이다. 마치가의 이웃 로렌스가의 손자 로리(Laurie: 크리스틴 베일 분)는 마치가의 네자매에게 관심을 가지고 연극 연습을 하는 네자매 앞에 나타나 그 일원이 된다. 이를 계기로 친해진 로리는 연극표 4장을 구해 자신의 가정교사 존 부록(John Brooke: 에릭 스톨츠 분)과 함께 메그와 조를 초청한다. 같이 가겠다고 우기는 에이미를 떼어놓고 다녀온 조는 자신이 쓴 연극 대본이 난로불 속에서 타고 있는 것을 발견한다. 에이미를 용서하지 못하는 조의 마음은 굳게 닫힌다. 그러던 어느날, 조와 로리가 호수에 스케이트를 타러 가는데 뒤따라온 에이미를 따돌리고 스케이트를 즐기다가 얼음이 깨져 물에 빠진 에이미를 발견한다. 이 사건으로 조는 막내 동생에 대해 닫혀있던 마음의 문을 열고 사랑을 확인하는데.
Sister Mary Lazarus
라스베가스 최고의 인기 가수가 된 들로리스에게 어느 날 수녀님들이 찾아와 도움을 청한다. 자신들이 선생으로 있는 학교의 아이들에게 음악을 가르쳐 달라는 것. 옛 정 때문에 할 수 없이 다시 수녀복을 입게 된 들로리스는 초반부터 못 말리는 문제아들에게 골탕을 먹고 두 손을 들고 만다. 그러나 우연히 학교의 이사가 학교를 폐쇄하려고 한다는 사실을 알게 된 들로리스는 다른 수녀님들과 힘을 합해 학교를 살리기로 마음먹고 특유의 끼를 발동한다. 아이들이 모두 음악에 소질이 있다는 걸 발견한 들로리스는 합창단을 만드는데, 처음에는 적대적이었던 학생들도 자신들의 숨은 재능을 발견해내고 희망을 갖게해 준 들로리스에게 마음을 열기 시작한다. 들로리스와 수녀님들은 합창대회에 참가해서 좋은 성적을 거두면 아이들에게도 자신감이 생기고 학교를 살리는데도 도움이 될 거라는 생각에 대회 참가를 추진하는데, 막상 대회가 열리는 날 들로리스가 클럽 가수라는 걸 알게 된 이사장과 교장은 합창단의 참가를 저지하러 출동한다. 한편 학생들은 다른 팀의 공연을 본 후 지레 겁을 먹고 포기하려하고, 들로리스는 아이들에게 용기를 불어넣어준다. 결국 아이들은 멋진 공연을 펼쳐 우승하고 학교의 폐교결정도 취소된다. 피날레를 장식하는 화려한 공연, "오 해피데이"와 찬송가 "기뻐하며 경배하세"를 비롯해 여러 귀에 익은 곡들이 어깨를 들썩이게 한다.
Sister Mary Lazarus
리노의 카지노에서 삼류 가수로 일하는 들로리스는 우연히 암흑가의 거물인 빈스의 범죄 현장을 목격한다. 잡히기만 하면 당장 목이 비틀릴 이 꾀꼬리는 그 순간부터 쫓기는 신세가 된다. 경찰에 신고한 들로리스는 증인이 될 것을 약속하고 보호를 받는데, 경찰에서는 그 누구도 상상할 수 없는 곳, 외부와 단절된 수녀원에 들로리스를 숨긴다. 하지만 들로리스는 이렇게 답답한 곳에서 지내느니 차라리 밖에서 쫓기다 총에 맞는게 훨씬 속편한 심정이다. 결국 엄격하기 그지없는 원장 수녀의 감시 아래서 들로리스는 은신이라기 보다는 감화소에 들어온 심정으로 매일 매일을 말썽으로 채우고 있는데, 어느날 그녀의 손에 성가대의 지휘봉이 넘겨졌고, 결국 성가대와 수녀원 전체, 아니 카톨릭 전체가 뒤바뀌는 운명에 이른다!
Substance-addicted Hollywood actress, Suzanne Vale is on the skids. After a spell at a detox centre her film company insists as a condition of continuing to employ her that she live with her mother, herself once a star and now a champion drinker. Such a set-up is bad news for Suzanne who has struggled for years to get out of her mother's shadow, and who still treats her like a child. Despite these and other problems, Suzanne begins to see the funny side of her situation, and also realises that not only do daughters have mothers—mothers do too.
Marie Murkin
Frank Dowling has to solve the mystery of a young man who is obsessed with finding his natural parents.
ALF (short for Alien Life Form) and Benji Gregory explore an shabby mansion hoping to find hidden treasure. During their search, they manage to preview the NBC's Saturday morning schedule of 1987.
Henrietta Sawyer
A widowed New York City architect and his young daughter take a Christmas vacation and end up in a small mystical town in Colorado where everyone believes in Santa Claus.
Mrs. Umney
The poor ghost of Sir Simon Canterville has been roaming his castle searching in vain for a brave descendant who will release him from the Canterville curse by performing a brave deed. An American family moves in and finds the ghost amusing, but a young girl in the family can release him - if she dares!
A teenager with cerebral palsy attempts to become pen pals with her idol, Elvis Presley.
A truck-stop waitress, determined to make a better life for her young children after being abandoned by her husband, leaves hash-slinging behind her to embark on a new career as a trucker in the rig her late father used to drive.
Millie Baker
Homemaker Lucy Whittaker calls up President Carter to complain about a local political issue—and to her astonishment, he agrees to come dine at her house. Now Lucy has her hands full as family, friends and Secret Service agents invade her home in preparation for the big dinner summit.
Employment Office Clerk
Two young children, who, rather than part with an old pet lion who was once a circus performer, go on a perilous mountain trek to stay with a recluse friend.
Mrs. Medford
Underworld attorney Leo Barnes hires Gus Monk to safeguard a valuable envelope containing information on a mobster. Monk refuses — until he meets Mrs. Barnes and jumps on a merry-go-round of viciousness and murder.
Sister Clarissa
Mother Superior of St. Francis Academy is challenged by a modern young nun when they take the girls on a bus trip across the country.
Gloria Tritt
When Ben and Kate Powell rent a haunted New England house by the sea, their son Steve gets blamed for the destruction caused by three unruly ghosts.
Sister Clarissa
두 명의 말괄량이 소녀들이 숙녀교육을 받기 위해 수녀원 부속 학교에 억지로 입학하게 된다. 성 프랜시스 아카데미에 입학한 두 명의 천방지축 학생들은 끊임없이 말썽을 일으키며 원장수녀와 수녀들을 곤경에 빠트리고, 원장수녀는 두 소녀를 길들이려고 여러 방법을 써보지만, 그녀들의 재치 넘치는 장난을 막는 데는 역부족이다.
Harold's Secretary
Stanley Ford leads an idyllic bachelor life. He is a nationally syndicated cartoonist whose Bash Brannigan series provides him with a luxury townhouse and a full-time valet, Charles. When he wakes up the morning after the night before - he had attended a friend's stag party - he finds that he is married to the very beautiful woman who popped out of the cake - and who doesn't speak a word of English. Despite his initial protestations, he comes to like married life and even changes his cartoon character from a super spy to a somewhat harried husband.
Miss Fox
A lonely Ohio spinster hopes to find romance when she travels to New York City for a postmasters' convention.
Mrs. Llewlyn
마사 웹스터라는 승무원 단 한 명만을 제외하고 승객과 승무원 모두 사망한 항공사고가 발생한다. 민간 항공위원회 측은 조종사의 오류, 실수를 사고의 원인으로 지목한다. 비행 전 술을 마셨다는 이유가 결정적이다. 하지만 사고 항공기 조종사의 친구였던 사고 조사관 샘 맥베인은 이를 받아들이기 어렵다. 그는 모든 가능성을 열어두고 다시 사고에 대해 심층 조사를 펼쳐간다.
Mrs. Squires
A con man comes to an Iowa town with a scam using a boy's marching band program, but things don't go according to plan.
Marie Grieux
A female doctor in the Congo is torn between two loves.
Freckles (voice)
연애도, 사랑도 하지 않고 매일 작곡만 하는 로저는 영리한 달마티아 개 퐁고의 작전으로 도도한 여성 아니타와 사랑에 빠지게 되고, 결국 결혼에 성공한다. 퐁고 역시 아니타의 애완견인 페르디타와 결혼한다. 페르디타는 곧 15마리의 강아지를 낳는다. 한편 아니타의 동창이자 엄청난 부자인 크루엘라는 모피라면 정신을 차리지 못하는 악녀로, 아름다운 달마티아 개의 가죽을 모피로 만들기 위해 새끼 강아지들을 납치한다.구출 작전에 돌입한 퐁고와 페르디타는 크루엘라의 낡은 성에서 자신들의 새끼 15마리 외에도 이미 잡혀와 있던 84마리의 새끼 달마티아 개들을 발견하는데...
Mrs. Neal Hefner
The epic story of a family that's involved in the Oklahoma Land Rush in 1889.
Matilda Runyon
Jane Osgood runs a lobster business, which supports her two young children. Railroad staff inattention ruins her shipment, so with her lawyer George, Jane sues Harry Foster Malone, director of the line and the "meanest man in the world".
Mrs. Ainsley (uncredited)
Searching for a doctor who can help him get his son to speak again--the boy hadn't uttered a word since he saw his mother die in the fire that burned down the family home--a Confederate veteran finds himself facing a 30-day jail sentence when he's unfairly accused of starting a brawl in a small town. A local woman pays his fine, providing that he works it off on her ranch. He soon finds himself involved in the woman's struggle to keep her ranch from a local landowner who wants it--and whose sons were responsible for the man being framed for the fight.
Madison Avenue-trained Navy men handle public relations on a South Pacific island during World War II.
Miss Mayberry
Bud and Lou are the owners of the amusement park Kiddieland. Bud, a compulsive gambler, gets in trouble with the mob, and Lou finds himself struggling to keep his adopted children. When Bud is forced to make a shady deal, Lou tries to arrange a deal with the DA, but winds up framed for murder.
Miss Ellwood
Beloved schoolteacher reflects back on her life and former students when she is hospitalized...
Bessie Mae Curtis
Western remake of "Destry Rides Again", starring Audie Murphy, Mari Blanchard, Thomas Mitchell, Lori Nelson and Lyle Bettger.
Emma Allen
노래와 춤으로 유명한 봅(Bob Wallace: 빙 크로스비 분)과 필(Phil Davis: 대니 케이 분)은 전쟁 후 한팀을 이루어 열띤 활동을 해오고 있었다. 어느 겨울, 그들의 애인의 베티(Betty Haynes: 로버메리 클루니 분), 쥬디(Judy Haynes: 베라 엘렌 분)과 함께 버몬트로 크리스마스 여행을 떠난다. 물론 그들은 애인들과 즐겁게 보낼 생각을 하고 있었으니 옛 군대 상사가 경영하는 여관이 재정적인 어려움을 겪고 있는 것을 보고 봅과 필은 그를 도울 모험을 시작한다.
Miss Wetter
The Indians try to make a fire in the Kettles fireplace the old fashion way, the smoke signal way. Judges are a comin' to award a child with a scholarship. However, who ever has the nicest looking farm and raises their kids in a good enviroment has a chance of winning.
Emma Glavey
The true story of Ruth Gordon's early struggles on the road to stage stardom.
Mrs. Watts
A man moves his family from the big city to the suburbs.
Marjorie Winfield's engagement to Bill Sherman, who has just arrived home from fighting in World War I, serves as the backdrop for the trials and tribulations of her family.
Lady at Laundry (uncredited)
A musical comedy based on several Damon Runyon short stories. When a bookie on the run, Robert 'Numbers' Foster, falls for a pretty country songbird, Emily Ann Stackerlee , he'll do anything to help her make it big -- including a stint in jail to pay for his crimes. But will the tough guy's sacrifice of the heart pay off when it comes to his girlfriend's singing career?
Mrs. Foster
Biography of humorist and movie star Will Rogers
Mrs. Jasper Gilpin
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
Songwriter Gus Kahn fights to make his name, then has to fight again to survive the Depression.
The Winfield family moves into a new house in a small town in Indiana. Tomboy Marjorie Winfield begins a romance with William Sherman who lives across the street. Marjorie has to learn how to dance and act like a proper young lady. Unfortunately William Sherman has unconventional ideas for the time. His ideas include not believing in marriage or money, which causes friction with Marjorie's father, who is the local bank vice president
Prof. Whitman
An artist famous for his calendar portraits of beautiful women becomes fascinated by a prim and proper professor and tries to get her to pose for his arwork. She declines his offer, but he's determined not to take no for an answer.
A prostitute is thrown out of her house by her alcoholic father, and her scheming brother-in-law tries to devise a plan to marry her off and make some money in the process.
A young boy begins to have fantasies when he learns his parents are planning to divorce. Director Peter Godfrey's 1948 drama stars Ted Donaldson, Alexis Smith, Robert Douglas, Cecil Kellaway, John Hoyt, Mary Wickes and Harry Davenport.
Rosemary McNally
A magazine's staff, including bickering ex-lovers Linda and Carey, cover an Indiana wedding, which goes slightly wrong...
Sandy Brooks
A valet to a bankrupt millionaire plans to rebuild his boss's fortune by passing a scullery maid off as a high-society debutante.
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Agnes Willoughby
While visiting Massachusetts, a famous English author (Charles Coburn) faces the wrath of a socialite (Isobel Elsom) after stealing her chef.
Susie Dugan
Rhythm of the Islands is set in the South Seas, presumably far away from the shooting war. The nonsensical plotline finds hero Tommy (Allan Jones) posing as a native chief. Joan Holton (Jane Frazee), daughter of a millionaire (Ernest Truex), falls in love with Tommy, unaware that he's a charlatan.
'Mike' Tracy
A song publisher gets sued for stealing lyrics.
Juliet Collins
Two dumb soda jerks dream of writing radio mysteries. When they try to pitch an idea at a radio station, they end up in the middle of a real murder when the station owner is killed during a broadcast.
Dora Pickford
샬롯은 보스턴의 상류집안 출신이지만, 폭군 같은 어머니에게 시달리느라 자존감이 바닥에 떨어진 상태다. 정신과 의사인 재퀴드 덕분에 요양병원으로 피신한 이후, 그녀는 서서히 자신감을 회복하고 독립적인 여성으로 거듭난다.
In this drama, an ex-vaudevillian dancer opens up a dance band agency and help street kids at the same time by hiring them to help out. Unfortunately, the local gang of hood's leader resists his attempts. More trouble ensues when the dancer helps a convict gain parole by hiring him. It later turns out that the ex-con is only interested in trying to use the agency as a front for extortion. Songs include the Oscar nominated "When There's a Breeze on Lake Louise," "Your Face Looks Familiar," "Heavenly, Isn't He?" "Let's Forget It," "You're Bad For Me," and "A Million Miles From Manhattan."
Bonnie-Belle Schlopkiss
The film tells the story of army recruits following basic training, with the Andrew Sisters attending USO dances. The film is a mixture of comedy and songs.
Sarah Miller
Cookie is born, producing unmitigated joy in the Bumstead household. Adding to the chaos a new baby always creates is the appearance of Hans Conried as a cynical author who becomes caught up in the Bumstead lifestyle.
Miss Preen
An acerbic critic wreaks havoc when a hip injury forces him to move in indefinitely with a Midwestern family.
Mrs. Jones (uncredited)
When he is fired from his job, Red puts a hex on his boss. That evening, the boss goes to a nightclub and discovers that the hex worked.
Guest at Orchid Room (uncredited)
After losing a coveted role in an upcoming film to another actress, screen queen Mona Marshall (Lola Lane) protests by refusing to appear at her current movie's premiere. Her agent discovers struggling actress Virginia Stanton (Rosemary Lane) -- an exact match for Mona -- and sends her to the premiere instead, with young musician Ronnie Bowers (Dick Powell). After various mishaps, including a case of mistaken identity, Ronnie and Virginia struggle to find success in Hollywood.
Woman sitting with Mr. Jones (uncredited)
Harry Gribbon and Shemp Howard enter the world of fine art in Paris.