P.J. Germain

참여 작품

Digital Effects Producer
Once upon a time, an endless dust storm engulfed the world, stranding an itinerant circus in a time without purpose. One day, a high-wire walker, lured by a tune hidden in the wind, leaves the circus and finds the melody revealed in the shape of a mysterious fiddler waiting at the crossroads. The stranger presents her with an hourglass that can stop the wind, but only until the sand runs out. The wire-walker rejoins the show and, taking control of her fate, decides to walk the wire one last time.
Visual Effects Editor
Once upon a time, an endless dust storm engulfed the world, stranding an itinerant circus in a time without purpose. One day, a high-wire walker, lured by a tune hidden in the wind, leaves the circus and finds the melody revealed in the shape of a mysterious fiddler waiting at the crossroads. The stranger presents her with an hourglass that can stop the wind, but only until the sand runs out. The wire-walker rejoins the show and, taking control of her fate, decides to walk the wire one last time.
Visual Effects
Once upon a time, an endless dust storm engulfed the world, stranding an itinerant circus in a time without purpose. One day, a high-wire walker, lured by a tune hidden in the wind, leaves the circus and finds the melody revealed in the shape of a mysterious fiddler waiting at the crossroads. The stranger presents her with an hourglass that can stop the wind, but only until the sand runs out. The wire-walker rejoins the show and, taking control of her fate, decides to walk the wire one last time.
Harry and the Succubus
When Harry unwittingly releases a she-demon in a Burbank Cemetery, undertaker Crawford kills him in a freak accident and must recruit Harry's newly minted ghost to send the succubus (Crawford's ex-wife) back to where she came from.
Harry and the Succubus
When Harry unwittingly releases a she-demon in a Burbank Cemetery, undertaker Crawford kills him in a freak accident and must recruit Harry's newly minted ghost to send the succubus (Crawford's ex-wife) back to where she came from.
Production Assistant
빅토리아 호수에서 깨어난 3초에 모든 것을 먹어 치우는 피라냐들!! 더욱 난폭해진 그들은 이번에는 막 개장해서 여름을 즐기는 사람들로 가득 찬 워터 파크로 향한다. 무방비 상태에 놓인 사람들은 놈들의 기습에 당하고 다시 한번 흉폭한 파티가 시작되는데……