300년 동안 전세계 공주 100명에게 프로포즈하지만 모두 거절 당해 실의에 빠진 몬스터 백작, 드라이본. 일주일 내로 신붓감을 찾지 못하면 끔찍한 지옥의 마녀 ‘마라’와 결혼해야만 한다. 게다가 자신의 영원한 생명이 담긴 마법 바늘마저 도둑맞아 영혼이 사라질 위기에 처한다. 드라이본은 좁쌀 왕국 렌틸왕의 음모로 바늘을 되찾기 위해 겁나큰 왕국의 바바라공주를 납치하지만 공주를 본 순간 한눈에 사랑에 빠지는데… 과연 몬스터 백작은 무사히 마법 바늘을 되찾고 101번째 프로포즈에 성공할 수 있을까?
Magic is slowly corrupting the world. In order to save Russia from the same fate, Ivan Tsaritsin with some help from his friends, will try to put an end to this.
A young man Ivan finds himself in his hometown, leaving this place 17 years ago. He looks around incredulously, trying to see in the surrounding fragments of his childhood. In this city lived his first love - little Anya. Now she is no longer 12, and he, too. But thoughts about the feelings of the past days still do not give him rest ... Vanya specifically changed his ticket to see Anna, but is she here? Does she remember him? But what if her life was too much shabby? 3 hours to plunge into the abyss of first love ...
Elliot, a 25-year-old British boy, discovers that he has a secret half-brother, Fyodor in Saint Petersburg. Elliot travels to the city, meets his brother and falls in love with Anya, Fyodor's girlfriend.
The main character is an Opel Astra car. The car has become an integral part of every person's life. In the short stories the characters work and rest together with the Opel Astra, meet, get to know each other and fall in love, quarrel and make peace.