Sound Supervisor
A 'sexperienced' fashion photographer and a broken-hearted fashion model take on a journey of fun and sex going to Sagada. Along the way they pick up an amnesia-hit guy starting a chain of conflicts.
Sound Engineer
A 2001 Filipino action film starring and directed by Ronnie Ricketts
Sound Supervisor
This is about a man and a woman who are forced to marry each other except, their sexual identity causes them trouble because the man is gay and the woman is a lesbian. They struggle throughout their marriage until the end.
Supervising Sound Editor
풍자와 다큐멘터리를 결합한 걸작. 두 명의 영화 제작자가 등장해 필리핀 독립운동의 아버지이자 전설적인 혁명가 호세 리잘의 일생을 조명하고, 호세를 형장의 이슬로 사라지게 만든 당대의 주요 인물들을 다루는 영화를 제작한다.