1917년, 바카리 디알로는 강제 징집된 17세 아들 티에르노의 곁을 지키기 위해 프랑스군에 입대한다. 두 사람은 함께 전선에 투입되고, 전쟁에 직면한다. 티에르노가 남자가 되는 법을 배우는 동안 바카리는 그가 무사히 돌아올 수 있도록 할 수 있는 모든 것을 한다.
Assistant Script
Paris 2052. Julia, 80 years old, had a fulfilled life. On her birthday, she reflects on the decisions and circumstances that could have led her on different paths. From the age of 17 to this day, her life was full of small but critical moments. Each was a turning point with dramatic consequences. What would have happened if she had forgotten her passport, chosen a different line at the store, driven the scooter this one time...? Is her life a succession of coincidences and accidents or a ready-made path?