Jeff Beal

출생 : 1963-06-20, Hayward, California, USA

참여 작품

For decades, Dan Rather delivered the news with authenticity, integrity and courage. RATHER chronicles his rise to prominence, sudden and dramatic public downfall, and redemption and re-emergence as a voice of reason to a new generation.
레이먼드 & 레이
가족을 버리고 자유분방한 삶을 살고 있는 아버지를 둔 형제 레이먼드와 레이. 성인이 된 후부터 거의 아버지를 본 적 없던 그들에게 어느 날, 아버지가 돌아 가셨다는 부고 소식이 들려온다. 아버지를 잃었다는 슬픔보다는 그가 자신들에게 지은 죄 때문에 오히려 분노가 앞서는 레이먼드와 레이는 탐탁치는 않지만 장례식에 참석하기로 결정한다. 하지만 변호사로부터 아버지가 남긴 황당한 유언을 듣게 되고, 아버지의 무덤을 직접 파야 하는 신세가 된 그들은 장례식장에서 아버지가 그동안 자신들에게 숨겨왔던 과거를 하나둘씩 알아가게 된다.
A hybrid doc/narrative following Tony winning performer and comedian Sarah Jones. As a mixed-race Black woman in America, Sarah, alongside the multicultural characters she's known for, explores her own personal relationship to one of the most relevant issues in our current cultural climate: the sex industry, and the surprisingly diverse range of people whose lives it touches. Through interviews and monologues, this film poses the question: how can we as a society have a healthy relationship to sex, power, race and our economy, without exploitation or stigma? The goal is not to prescribe solutions, but to highlight the human faces and voices at the center of this subject.
The Grab
An investigative journalist uncovers the money, influence, and alarming rationale behind covert land grabs by some of the world’s most powerful countries.
게임스톱: 라이즈 오브 더 플레이어스
Original Music Composer
From the makers of Console Wars comes the origin story of the GameStop stock market phenomenon, featuring exclusive access to the original players who lit the fuse on a historic amateur investor uprising. Spotlighting the human side of a sensational business drama, this documentary is a David vs Goliath tale about ordinary people waking up to the power they have in numbers.
JFK 리비지티드: 쓰루 더 루킹 글래스
Thirty years after his film JFK, filmmaker Oliver Stone takes viewers on a journey though recently declassified evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy - the most consequential American murder mystery of the twentieth century. Joined by Oscar-winning narrators Whoopi Goldberg and Donald Sutherland, as well as a distinguished team of forensics, medical and ballistics experts, historians, and witnesses, Stone presents compelling evidence that in the Kennedy case “conspiracy theory” is now “conspiracy fact.”
콘솔 워즈
Original Music Composer
1990년대 북미 가정용 게임 시장의 90%를 차지하고 있던 닌텐도에 맞서 세가가 북미판 '메가드라이브'인 '제네시스'를 출시하면서 벌어지는 16비트 게임기 전쟁을 다룬 다큐
우리는 영원히 어리지 않다
Original Music Composer
선수들을 성적으로 학대한 전미 체조 대표 팀 의사 래리 내서. 그 생존자들이 증언을 시작하고, 기자들이 진실을 파헤친다. 용기 있는 이들의 싸움을 기록한 다큐멘터리.
Jay Sebring....Cutting to the Truth
Original Music Composer
An illuminating portrait of Jay Sebring — the long-forgotten artist, designer, and entrepreneur who created a billion-dollar hair & beauty industry and defined iconic Hollywood styles for men.
위대한 작은 농장
Original Music Composer
미국 LA 외곽에 지속가능한 농장과 공동체를 건설하려는 한 커플의 과정을 따라가며 그들의 성공과 실패를 감동적으로 담아낸 영화로 큰 화제를 모았다. 분리불안을 가진 개와 몽상가 커플이 자신들의 삶과 자연이 조화를 이루는 방법을 찾기 위해 고군분투하는 여정을 보여준다. [제11회 DMZ국제다큐멘터리영화제]
Light Falls
Original Music Composer
Take a theatrical journey with physicist Brian Greene to uncover how Albert Einstein developed his theory of relativity. In this vivid play, science is illuminated on stage and screen through innovative projections and an original score.
The Price of Everything
Original Music Composer
Featuring collectors, dealers, auctioneers and a rich range of artists, including market darlings George Condo, Jeff Koons, Gerhard Richter and Njideka Akunyili Crosby, this documentary examines the role of art and artistic passion in today’s money-driven, consumer-based society.
Original Music Composer
The inspirational tale of the grandfathers of the fitness movement as we now know it, Joe & Ben Weider. Battling anti-Semitism, racism and extreme poverty, the brothers beat all odds to build an empire & inspire future generations.
칼날 위에 서다: 첨단 의학의 덫
Original Music Composer
과학 기술의 발전으로 급속하게 성장한 의료기기 산업. 이제, 장밋빛 미래만이 남았는가. 의료 기업들의 거짓과 탐욕으로 생명을 위협받은 환자들이 고통을 호소한다.
풍요의 세대
Original Music Composer
역사상 가장 부유한 사회를 만들어낸 병리 현상에 대한 다큐멘터리. 감독의 책과 전시회에 대한 일종의 안내서이기도 한 이 작품은 감독의 발자취를 보여줄 뿐 아니라, 실험 대상자들이 어떻게 돈의 영향을 받게 되는지 추적한다. [제19회 전주국제영화제]
충격과 공포
Original Music Composer
“이라크의 대량 살상 무기는 분명 존재합니다” 2002년, 딕 체니 미국 부통령의 대량살상 무기 발언은 미국 내 여론은 물론 전세계에 엄청난 파장을 준다. 2001년 9월 11일 테러 사건 후, 미국의 강경파는 전쟁을 위한 ‘정당화’ 작업에 돌입한 가운데, 부시 정부의 강경파들이 전쟁 분위기를 한층 고조시킨다. 반면 ‘나이트 리더’의 워싱턴 지부 기자들은 정부의 일방적 주장에 질문을 던진다. ‘사담 후세인의 대량 살상 무기’ 나이트 리더의 기자들은 ‘전쟁 명분’의 진실을 찾는데 사활을 건다. 주류 언론마저 부시 정권을 옹호하는 가운데, 나이트 리더는 ‘그들만의 명분’은 허구라는 점을 입증하려고 한다. 취재 방해, 보이지 않는 압박 등 모든 것이 불리한 상황. 나이트 리더의 유일한 힘은 ‘저널리즘의 기본 원칙’ 뿐이다.
스위트 라이프
Original Music Composer
Kenny is an ice cream vendor in Chicago with a crisp white uniform and an apathetic heart. When he encounters Lolita, a sharp-tongued but despondent insurance actuary, their heated conversation, natural spark and mutual hopelessness lead to an unusual proposal for a meet-cute: to travel to San Francisco, where they will jump off the Golden Gate Bridge together.
불편한 진실 2
Original Music Composer
1000번이 넘는 강연을 바탕으로 기후변화 현상을 다룬 전작 불편한 진실이 주류 문화의 선두에 기후 변화 문제를 부각시킨 지 10년이 지난 지금, 이 작품은 그 어느 때보다도 이 문제가 우리 삶과 연관이 있음을 증명한다. 전편에서 예측하고 실제 발생한 사례를 중심으로 지구온난화에 대한 관심을 주장하며, 차세대 기후 전문가들을 교육하고 격려하기 위해 전 세계를 돌아다니는 앨 고어 전 부통령의 지칠 줄 모르는 노력이 소개된다. 놀랍고 충격적이며 흡입력 있는 이 후속편은 기후 변화 문제가 그 어느 때보다 심각하지만 해결책이 아직 우리 손안에 있음을 보여준다.
The history of the Boston Marathon from its humble origins starting with only 15 runners, to the first female runners, through the tragedy in 2013, and ultimately the triumph of 2014.
앤서니 위너: 선거 이야기
Original Music Composer
성 스캔들로 굴욕적인 사임을 했을 때 앤서니 위너는 고위 공직의 정점에 있던 젊은 의원이었다. 2년 뒤, 그는 자신의 이상으로 과거의 무분별한 행동을 지우길 바라며 뉴욕 시장 선거에 출마한다. 위너와 그의 가족, 그리고 선거 보좌진들에게 전례 없이 다가가며, 영화는 정치인의 복귀와 몰락 과정을 짜릿하게 보여준다. 뉴욕을 배경으로, 명확하고 페이소스 섞인 시선으로 미국 정치 내부를 증언하는 작품. EIDF 2016 월드 쇼케이스 출품작.
Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise
Original Music Composer
Police Chief Jesse Stone now presides over the quiet, seaside village of Paradise, Massachusetts. When the facts don't add up in a brutal Boston-area murder case, Jesse opens an investigation filled with surprises, unlikely suspects and grave danger. Though it's widely believed the murder was committed by an incarcerated serial killer, Jesse suspects another killer is at large and is hell-bent on bringing him to justice.
빅 드라이버
Based on a novella from Stephen King, A famous mystery writer sets out for revenge after a brutal attack.
And the Oscar Goes To...
Original Music Composer
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
블랙피쉬: 노토리어스 킬러
Original Music Composer
최대 규모와 인기를 자랑하는 미국의 시월드 파크. 이곳의 간판 프로그램 범고래쇼에서 공연을 하던 범고래 ‘틸리쿰’은 갑자기 조련사를 공격해 죽음에 이르게 한다. 올해 선댄스영화제에서 공개되며 화제를 모은 는 쇼를 위해 포획된 ‘틸리쿰’과 다른 고래들이 조련사를 공격하는 영상을 적절하게 배치하며 사고가 일어나기까지의 과정을 스릴러 형식으로 따라가는 영화다. 감독은 범고래의 본성과 불법으로 자행되는 범고래 포획, 조련사들의 애환과 죽음, 그리고 수십억 달러 규모 해양공원산업의 어두운 이면을 강렬한 영상과 감성적인 인터뷰로 담아낸다. 탄탄한 구성과 충격적인 스토리로 인간과 자연과의 관계를 곰곰이 생각하게 만드는 영화.
The Hyperglot
Original Music Composer
Despite an unrivaled talent for communicating, Jake has trouble talking to women. When an impossible situation presents itself, Jake ignores the signs and goes on a wild goose-chase to pursue his quest for love. When his plan is foiled, a new best friend helps him finally express himself successfully to a woman – without uttering a single word.
웬 아이 워크
Original Music Composer
When I Walk approaches the struggles of living with multiple sclerosis and the medical community’s efforts to find better treatments and ultimately a cure with heart, humor, and courage.
더 퀸스 오브 베르사유
Original Music Composer
경제 위기에 재정적인 어려움을 겪는 백만장자 가족의 이야기를 촬영한 다큐멘터리이다. 셰익스피어의 비극만큼 흥미로운 두 캐릭터는 개천에서 용이 나는 과정을 통해 '아메리칸 드림'의 장단점을 보여준다. 다큐멘터리는 백만장자 가족이 2,500평이나 되는 대궐 같은 집을 건축하는 데에서 시작한다. 2년 후, 이 엄청난 대궐은 부동산 경제의 거품이 빠지면서 골칫덩이가 되고 만다. 그러면서 다양한 문화적 배경을 가진 이 가족과 가사 도우미들의 삶의 방식과 성격도 완전히 달라진다.
Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt
Jesse finds himself struggling to get his job back as the Paradise police chief, and he is forced to rely on his cop intuition to sort through a maze of misleading clues and hidden meanings as he attempts to solve a shocking and horrifying mob-related double homicide.
Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost
Original Music Composer
Jesse investigates the suspicious death of a young friend while the police force deals with the arrogant new police chief who is the son-in-law of a town councilman.
Beyond the Blackboard
Inspired by a true story, “Beyond the Blackboard” is about a 24-year-old first-time teacher who makes a difference in the lives of the homeless children she teaches in a shelter’s makeshift classroom. Set in 1987 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, this movie tells the story a brand-new teacher and Mom who is given a tougher than expected teaching job and winds up teaching homeless children in a school that is housed in a room and called, literally, The School with No Name. She has some personal prejudicial hurdles to cross before she is able to be a true teacher for these children and of course there are hurdles like the lack of books and supplies.
원스 폴른
Original Music Composer
이제 더 이상 물러설 곳도, 잃을 것도 없다! 마약 밀매와 싸움을 일삼으며 별볼일 없는 삶을 살았던 '챈스'는 5년간의 교도소 생활을 통해 평범한 삶을 살겠다고 다짐하지만, 그를 기다리고 있는 건 암담한 현실뿐이다. 여자친구 '캣'은 생면부지 아들 '어거스트'만 남긴 채 떠나버렸고, 절친한 친구 '비트'는 범죄조직에 엄청난 빚을 지고 있다는 사실을 마주하게 된다. 평범한 나날을 꿈꾸던 희망은 오래가지 못하고, ‘챈스’는 어쩔 수 없이 도박 격투와 마약 밀매를 다시 시작하기로 결심하고, 조직의 보스이자 아버지인 ‘리암’을 찾아간다. 불미스런 과거의 사건으로 종신형 복역 중인 ‘리암’은 ‘챈스’를 지키기 위해 사건의 진실을 밝히려 하는데…
Jesse Stone: No Remorse
Original Music Composer
Police Chief Jesse Stone, who was suspended by the Paradise, Mass. Town Council, begins moonlighting for his friend, State Homicide Commander Healy, by investigating a series of murders in Boston, leaving Rose and Suitcase to handle a crime spree in Paradise on their own. Jesse pours his energy into his work in an effort to push away his twin demons: booze and women. When his investigation leads to notorious mob boss Gino Fish, Jesse's pursuit becomes hazardous.
Jesse Stone: Thin Ice
Original Music Composer
Jesse Stone and Captain Healy are shot during an unauthorized stake-out in Boston. Meanwhile, a cryptic letter sent from Paradise leads the mother of a kidnapped child to Stone. Though her son was declared dead, she hopes he will reopen the case.
러빙 레아
A handsome Washington, D.C. doctor and a young New York woman fall in love at an unusual time...after they get married. Leah Lever is married to an Orthodox rabbi, Benjamin Lever, whose brother, Jake is a successful cardiologist and a non-practicing Jew. Jake is stunned when Benjamin dies suddenly, but not as stunned as when he is told that, under an ancient Jewish Law, he is expected to marry the childless Leah to carry on Benjamin's name.
더 딜
Original Music Composer
Charlie Berns is a veteran Hollywood movie producer who has given up on his career and life. That is until his idealistic screenwriter nephew comes bearing the script of a lifetime and Charlie decides to give his career one final shot. The only thing standing in his way is Diedre Hearn, a sharp-witted studio executive brought in to keep Charlie in line.
Original Music Composer
1882년 뉴멕시코 아팔루사의 부패한 목장주 브랙(제레미 아이언스)과 그에게서 마을을 보호하기 위해 보안관으로 고용된 총잡이 버질 콜(에드 해리스)과 에버렛 히치(비고 모르텐슨)의 동료애를 그린 서부극.
Who Do You Love
Original Music Composer
Who Do You Love is the life story of legendary record producer Leonard Chess, founder of Chess Records in Chicago, IL, the label that helped popularize blues music during the 1950s and ’60s.
The Russell Girl
Sarah Russell, a 23-year-old aspiring medical school student, visits her loving family to share some important news, but instead finds herself attempting to finally confront a difficult period from her past.
콰이어트 맨
Original Music Composer
소심한 이 남자, 인생 최고의 기회를 만나다! 평범한 샐러리맨 밥 맥코넬은 소심한 성격 탓에 이웃은 물론 직장 동료들과도 전혀 어울리지 못하고 늘 무시와 괴롭힘을 당한다. 소심한 밥은 매일 회사 서랍 속에 숨겨 놓은 총알을 장전하며 동료들을 쏘는 위험한 상상을 한다. 첫 번째 총알은 사무실 마스코트에게, 두 번째 총알은 미스 왕가슴, 세 번째는 아부하는 놈… 어느 날 실수로 떨어뜨린 총알을 줍기 위해 책상 밑을 뒤지던 밥. 그때 조용한 사무실 안에서 총성이 들려오고 한 순간에 사무실은 아수라장이 되고 만다. 밥의 동료 콜맨이 자신보다 먼저 계획을 실행에 옮긴 것! 사건 현장에서 평소 짝사랑하던 바네사의 생명을 구한 밥은 하루 아침에 회사는 물론 사회에서도 대접받는 영웅이 된다. 바네사를 간호하며 생애 처음 행복한 시간을 보내게 되는 밥. 과연 소심한 이 남자의 꿈 같은 인생역전은 이루어질 수 있을까?
픽사 스토리
Original Music Composer
루카스필름 산하의 그래픽 부서로 출범해 세계 최고의 3D 애니메이션 스튜디오로 성장한 픽사. 토이 스토리의 성공, 유능한 인재를 대접하는 픽사의 정책, 디즈니와의 관계, 그리고 놀라운 8개의 히트작에 이르기까지, 픽사 애니메이션 스튜디오의 뒷이야기를 초창기부터 살펴본다. 픽사의 창립 멤버였던 존 라세터와 에드윈 캐트멀, 그리고 스티브 잡스가 픽사에 미친 영향 또한 소개한다.
Jesse Stone: Sea Change
Original Music Composer
Police Chief Jesse Stone's relationship with his ex-wife worsens, and he fears he's relapsing into alcoholism. To get his mind off his problems, Jesse begins working on the unsolved murder of a bank teller shot during a robbery. Also, his investigation of an alleged rape draws him into conflict with the town council — which hopes to preserve Paradise's reputation as an ideal seaside resort.
The Situation
Original Music Composer
The first U.S.-made film drama set during the Iraq war, THE SITUATION chronicles the tragic death of an Iraqi teenager at the hands of U.S. soldiers. The incident sets off an "investigation," a cover-up, and complications involving Iraqi mayor Sheikh Tahsin (Saïd Amadis), who has a complex relationship with the Americans.
Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise
When Jesse Stone looks into the murder of a teen-age girl whose body is found floating in a local lake, it brings him up against the Boston mob and into the affluent world of a bestselling writer who exploits troubled teens.
Pinochet in Suburbia
Original Music Composer
In 1998 former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet visits Britain for medical treatment. On being tipped off, Amnesty International seize the chance to bring to justice a man they insist is guilty of multiple human rights violations. The newly-elected Labour government is initially amenable, and soon Pinochet is under house arrest (albeit in a detached house in leafy suburbia) and awaiting extradition to Spain. However, Amnesty are up against the complexities of British law, the vacillations of Home Secretary Jack Straw, Pinochet's former ally Margaret Thatcher - and the Senator's own vast reserves of cunning.
The Water Is Wide
Pat Conroy, an ambitious, slightly rebellious idealistic teacher accepts Bennington county, SC's school board superintendent's offer to teach the all-black kids of the pauper fishery community on Yamacrew Island. Staffless 'head' mistress Brown incarnates stupidity and blind rule obedience, her didactic skills consisting in scolding and spanking her students. Pat moves heaven and earth to motivate and educate, but after finally getting trough to pupils and parents is refused contract renewal by the arch-conservative authorities.
Jesse Stone: Night Passage
Original Music Composer
In this prequel to 'Stone Cold,' LA cop, Jesse Stone relocates to a small town only to find himself immersed in one mystery after the other.
The Engagement Ring
Original Music Composer
A long-lost engagement ring still divides childhood sweethearts who are now in their golden years. Now, her daughter (Heaton) and his nephew meet and find that their attraction is hindered by the old feud.
Emmanuel's Gift
Original Music Composer
If you are born disabled in Ghana, West Africa you are likely to be poisoned, or left to die by your family; and if you are not poisoned or left for dead, you're likely to be hidden away in a room; and if you're not hidden, you are destined to spend your lifetime begging on the streets. Of the twenty million people in Ghana, two million are disabled. This is the story of one disabled man whose mission-and purpose- is to change all that forever. In Emmanuel's Gift, filmmakers Lisa Lax and Nancy Stern have uncovered a story as compelling as it is important. Narrated by Oprah Winfrey, the film chronicles the life of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a young Ghanaian man born with a severely deformed right leg, who today, against incalculable odds, is opening minds, hearts and doors-and effecting social and political change throughout his country.
스톤콜드 Stone Cold
Original Music Composer
Jesse Stone is a former L.A. homicide detective who left behind the big city and an ex-wife to become the police chief of the quiet New England fishing town of Paradise. Stone's old habits die hard as he continues to indulge his two favorite things: Scotch whiskey and women. After a series of murders—the first ever in Paradise—and a high school girl is raped, he's forced to face his own demons in order to solve the crimes.
Ike: Countdown to D-Day
The story of the senior-level preparations for the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944 from the time of Dwight D. Eisenhower's appointment as the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, to the establishment of the beachhead in Normandy.
Back When We Were Grownups
Original Music Composer
A 53-year-old widow believes she's turned into the wrong person in this bittersweet tale based on Anne Tyler's best-seller. Beck's (Blythe Danner) plate is full: She runs a catering business and cares for her large family, but feels lost inside. Determined to find herself, Beck embarks on a journey, starting with her ex-beau (Peter Fonda) and ending with an unexpected soul mate. Jack Palance, Peter Riegert, Faye Dunaway and Ione Skye also star.
The Wool Cap
Original Music Composer
This film, originally made for tv, stars William H. Macy as a mute superintendent of a apartment building that is falling apart who becomes the unwilling guardian to a young girl with a bit of an attitude. The film is an updated and Americanized version of the 1962 feature film Gigot starring Jackie Gleason, who also wrote the original story.
The Wool Cap
This film, originally made for tv, stars William H. Macy as a mute superintendent of a apartment building that is falling apart who becomes the unwilling guardian to a young girl with a bit of an attitude. The film is an updated and Americanized version of the 1962 feature film Gigot starring Jackie Gleason, who also wrote the original story.
The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan
Everyone has a skeleton or two in his or her closet, but what about the director behind some of the most successful thrillers ever to hit the silver screen? Could M. Night Shyamalan be hiding a deep, dark secret that drives his macabre cinematic vision? Now viewers will be able to find out firsthand what fuels The Sixth Sense director's seemingly supernatural creativity as filmmakers interview Shyamalan as well as the cast and crew members who have worked most closely with him over the years. Discover the early events that shaped the mind of a future master of suspense in a documentary that is as fascinating as it is revealing.
The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan
Original Music Composer
Everyone has a skeleton or two in his or her closet, but what about the director behind some of the most successful thrillers ever to hit the silver screen? Could M. Night Shyamalan be hiding a deep, dark secret that drives his macabre cinematic vision? Now viewers will be able to find out firsthand what fuels The Sixth Sense director's seemingly supernatural creativity as filmmakers interview Shyamalan as well as the cast and crew members who have worked most closely with him over the years. Discover the early events that shaped the mind of a future master of suspense in a documentary that is as fascinating as it is revealing.
In the Realms of the Unreal
In the Realms of the Unreal is a documentary about the reclusive Chicago-based artist Henry Darger. Henry Darger was so reclusive that when he died his neighbors were surprised to find a 15,145-page manuscript along with hundreds of paintings depicting The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glodeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Cased by the Child Slave Rebellion.
Original Music Composer
The story of Carl Upchurch who experiences jail as a young adult. While in prison, a compassionate teacher helps turn his life around through education and religion. He in turn is inspired to help other troubled youths.
Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion
Ten years in the making, this award-winning feature-length documentary was filmed during nine journeys throughout Tibet, India and Nepal. CRY OF THE SNOW LION brings audiences to the long-forbidden "rooftop of the world" with an unprecedented richness of imagery... from rarely-seen rituals in remote monasteries, to horse races with Khamba warriors; from brothels and slums in the holy city of Lhasa, to magnificent Himalayan peaks still traveled by nomadic yak caravans. The dark secrets of Tibet's recent past are powerfully chronicled through personal stories and interviews, and a collection of undercover and archival images never before assembled in one film. A definitive exploration of a legendary subject, CRY OF THE SNOW LION is an epic story of courage and compassion
The Secret Life of Zoey
Marcia always thought her overachieving daughter Zoey was the dream child. But then she discovers that her perfect teen has a not-so-perfect drug addiction. Marcia and her ex-husband go through plenty of denial as their daughter spirals out of control. It's a true-to-life tale that parents and their kids should watch together.
도어 투 도어
Original Music Composer
뇌성마비 장애를 안고 태어난 '빌 포터'. 빌은 그의 어머니와 함께 오랫동안 취업 자리를 구해 보지만 매번 거절당한다. 영업사원을 모집하는 생활용품 회사 '왓킨스'사도 역시나 빌을 거절한다. 그러나 어머니를 위해서라도 다시 영업직을 부탁하기로 결심한다. 빌은 "아무도 원하지 않는 곳으로 절 보내주세요!"라며 왓킨스 사에 영업사원으로 취업하게 된다. 어머니가 싸주신 도시락으로 점심을 때우고 어머니의 도움으로 출퇴근을 지속한다. 매번 거절당하는 빌은 방문 판매업에 힘겨워 하지만 항상 자신을 믿어주는 어머니가 있어 이 모든 시련을 견딘다. 어느 날 어머니의 알츠하이머가 발병되면서 빌은 어머니 도움 없이 홀로서기를 시작하는데...
노 굿 디드
Original Music Composer
은행강도단에 인질로 붙잡힌 형사(사무엘 잭슨)와 강도단 두목의 여자(밀라 요요비치)가 서로 다른 이해 관계를 내걸고 위험한 거래를 한다.
Joe and Max
True story of boxers Joe Louis and Max Schmeling and their enduring friendship.
A Gentleman's Game
Original Music Composer
A drama revolving around characters whose lives are transformed one summer at an exclusive East Coast country club.
Original Music Composer
뉴욕의 그리니치 빌리지. 알콜 중독자이자 무명 화가인 잭슨 폴락에게 어느 날 여류 화가 리 크레이즈너가 찾아온다. 눈앞에 펼쳐지는 독특하고 화려한 색채의 그림들에 그녀는 폴락의 천재성을 감지하고 그에게 강하게 이끌리게 된다. 둘은 동거를 시작하지만, 날마다 술에 취해 비틀거리고 송년회 파티에서 벽난로에 오줌을 누는 추태를 벌이는가 하면 며칠동안 길거리를 헤매며 걸인행세를 하는 등 폴락과의 동거생활은 그녀에게는 너무 버겁다. 하지만 그의 재능에 대한 그녀의 집념은 굽힐 줄 모른다. 끊임없이 재촉하는 그녀의 집착은 결국 둘 사이를 멀어지게 하고, 폴락은 예술적 한계에 부딪히게 되면서 다시 술에 빠져들게 되는데...
Mambo Café
Original Music Composer
A beautiful Puerto Rican girl and her family in Spanish harlem devise a novel plan to attract business to their restaurant, causing a wildly comic sequence of events ending in near disaster.
Harlem Aria
Original Music Composer
An aspiring opera singer from Harlem teams up with a charismatic busker and a kindhearted hustler to share his voice with the world, and teaches his two newfound friends the importance of taking your destiny into your own hands. Anton (Gabriel Casseus) lives in Harlem with his aunt. He dreams of moving to Italy and becoming a famous opera singer, and though he's been blessed with a magnificent singing voice, his passion has made him an outsider in his neighborhood. Running away from home, Anton meets passionate street pianist Matthew (Christian Carmago) and together the two begin drawing large, appreciate crowds on the street. Working the crowd as they do their thing is Wes (Damon Wayans), whose natural charm always gets the cash flowing. And while life on the streets is never easy, Anton, Matthew, and Wes soon discover that by following their dreams, they may find a means of transforming their lives forever.
The Passion of Ayn Rand
Original Music Composer
Author Ayn Rand becomes involved with a much younger and married man, to the dismay of those close to her.
Lies He Told
Original Music Composer
A charming military man arranges his own disappearance and death in order to begin a new life with a woman who is completely deceived by his lies. Bored by his military career and secure lifestyle with his wife, Cindy, and two children, Dave Bay falls in love with Alyson and plots a new existence. This new, deceptive life includes bank robberies committed as a desperate means to support his new family and hide his past. Inspired by actual events.
Undue Influence
Original Music Composer
When a senator's new wife is murdered, the prime suspect is his ex-wife, Laurel. Laurel's brother-in-law, lawyer Paul Madriani, still reeling from the death of his wife, takes on the case.
Power 98
Original Music Composer
A controversial talk show host becomes involved in the murder of a beautiful woman in a war for ratings.
Love Is All There Is
Original Music Composer
The Malacicis, a hard-working Italian family recently immigrated from Florence, open a fancy restaurant in the Bronx, N.Y., drawing the ire of another clan. Mike and Sadie Capomezzo, equally hard-working Sicilian caterers from the area, find they cannot stand Piero and Maria Malacici. But things get complicated when the Malacicis' daughter, Gina, and the Capomezzos' son, Rosario, fall in love.
Jonathan Stone: Threat of Innocence
Still in mourning over the loss of his wife, former cop Jonathan stone moves to Washington. However, he is soon falsely accused of murder, and with the help of socialite Annie Hayes, he sets out to prove his innocence.
Ring of Steel
Original Music Composer
A champion fencer accidentally kills an opponent in a match. Disgraced, he is blackballed from the fencing community, until a mysterious stranger saves his life one night from a gang of muggers. He soon finds himself caught up in the world of underground illegal swordfights, where combatants fight to the death.
Places for the Soul
An intimate portrait of Christopher Alexander, a critic of modern architecture on a lifelong quest to build harmonious, livable places in today’s world. The film tells the story of two projects – a spectacular high school in Japan and an innovative homeless shelter in California. For Alexander, feelings come first, users are deeply engaged and process is paramount. We discover what happens when an architect’s unconventional method collides with standard practices in his profession.
Cheap Shots
Original Music Composer
The owner of a sleazy hotel, along with his friend, decides to videotape a room that is rented by a sexually active couple. Inadvertently recording their murders, the men are soon faced with a dilemma as the killers come looking for the tape.