Dara Jade Tiller

Dara Jade Tiller

프로필 사진

Dara Jade Tiller

참여 작품

Young Mother
When a mysterious doctor arrives in a small Midwestern town, her therapy horse, Adeline, quickly gains a reputation for ‘healing’ those with special needs. Not used to this alternative form of healing, some begin to question the authenticity of Adeline’s methods and tensions arise. But one day during an equine therapy session, a destructive tornado descends upon the barn. Adeline leaps into action and corrals her students, pushing them against the founding wall of the stable. Although Adeline saves the lives of 12 people, she takes the brunt of the storm’s destructive force and suffers a shattered leg. With the town’s people now convinced of Adeline’s amazing spirit, they band together to raise the funds necessary to fix her leg and save her life. Based on an inspirational true story, Adeline teaches all those she encounters the same powerful lesson: miracles happen when you let go of the reins.
Tammy Earl
사상 최대 불법 서바이벌 격투 토너먼트 ‘도니브룩’ 한탕을 노리는 전직 해병 ‘자레드’. 폭력적이고 무자비한 마약 딜러 ‘앙구스’. 두 명의 길은 ‘도니브룩’으로 이어진다. 10만 달러의 상금이 걸린 불법 격투장. 구원의 마지막 기회거나 사형선고가 내려지는 곳. 목숨을 건 단 한 번의 싸움이 시작된다!