Panel discussion about the original Broadway production of Lorraine Hansbury's "A Raisin in the Sun."
Actor/director Sidney Poitier discusses his life and career. He tells of his upbringing in Jamaica; the difficulties he encountered in New York City at the start of his career; his involvement in the US civil-rights movement; and efforts to end apartheid in South Africa. Friends and acquaintances, as well as other performers, give their insights about what makes him so special.
Stage Director
Based on Davis' 1961 play Purlie Victorious (which was later translated into the 1963 film Gone Are the Days! and which included all of the original Broadway cast, including Ruby Dee, Alan Alda, Beah Richards, and Godfrey Cambridge), Purlie is a musical with a book by Ossie Davis, Philip Rose, and Peter Udell, lyrics by Udell, and music by Gary Geld. It won two Tony Awards and was also nominated for Best Musical.
This 1981 television adaptation is directed by Rudi Goldman and stars Broadway cast members Guillaume, Moore, Hemsley, and Hopkins, with Brandon Maggart as Cotchipee, Clarice Taylor as Idilla, and Don Scardino as Charlie. The production won a CableACE Award.
Based on Davis' 1961 play Purlie Victorious (which was later translated into the 1963 film Gone Are the Days! and which included all of the original Broadway cast, including Ruby Dee, Alan Alda, Beah Richards, and Godfrey Cambridge), Purlie is a musical with a book by Ossie Davis, Philip Rose, and Peter Udell, lyrics by Udell, and music by Gary Geld. It won two Tony Awards and was also nominated for Best Musical.
This 1981 television adaptation is directed by Rudi Goldman and stars Broadway cast members Guillaume, Moore, Hemsley, and Hopkins, with Brandon Maggart as Cotchipee, Clarice Taylor as Idilla, and Don Scardino as Charlie. The production won a CableACE Award.
월터 리는 남의 집 부엌일을 도와주는 어머니 레나 영거와 아내 루스, 의대에 가려는 여동생 베니타, 그리고 어린 아들 트라비스와 함께 궁색한 아파트에서 어렵게 살고 있다. 그런데 월터 리의 아버지가 죽고 난 뒤, 어머니 레나가 보험회사로부터 10,000달러 수표를 받게 된다.늘 자신이 직접 사업을 해서 목돈을 벌고 싶었던 월터는 그 돈을 술집에 투자하고 싶어하지만 어머니는 월터의 말은 들으려고도 하지않고 위험한 슬럼 가에서 벗어나 백인들이 이웃한 곳에 있는 좋은 집을 사는데 3,500달러를 쓰고 나머지는 딸 베니타의 의대 학비 등에 쓰려한다.이에 화가 난 월터는 며칠 동안 집에도 들어오지 않고 직장에도 나가지 않고 술집에서 술만 마신다. 결국 어머니는 술집으로 월터를 찾아가 집을 사고 남은 돈 6,500달러를 주며 반드시 베니타의 학비에 일부를 쓸 것과 나머지도 현명하게 잘 쓸 것을 약속하고 모든 돈을 맡기는데...