Michael Worsley

출생 : 1951-08-12, Blackpool, Lancashire, England, UK

참여 작품

Knockback: 1
In 1965, at the age of 25, Alan Ackland is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a business associate. In 1971, Sylvia Barker, lonely and depressed after a failed marriage and with two young children to bring up alone, seeks a new direction in her life and applies to become a voluntary prison visitor. Several years later their paths cross.
어드벤쳐 오브 프라이비트 아이
While a private detective is away on vacation, his not particularly bright assistant takes it upon himself to "solve" a case that comes in. Complications ensue.
Adventures of a Taxi Driver
Second Robber
Joe North is a London taxi driver who manages to get himself into any number of sexual situations with various women.