암스테르담에 사는 20대 동성애자 아너. 소설을 완성하고 연인을 위해 몬트리올로 떠나야 하는 상황. 이러한 부담감 속에서 아너는 진정으로 원하는 삶의 방향을 찾을 수 있을까?
In a virtual reality simulation that allows people to relive precious moments, a young woman is unintentionally confronted with deeply suppressed memories of her first true but lost love.
This film was made within 48 hours during the 48 Hour Pink Film Project in 2018 and screened at the Pink Film Days 2018. The film was made by part of the ANNE+ cast & crew, but is not linked to ANNE+, including characters or storylines.