Tucker Carlson
출생 : 1969-05-16, San Francisco, California, USA
Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson is an American conservative journalist and political commentator who has hosted the nightly political talk show Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News since 2016. Carlson became a print journalist in the 1990s, writing for the magazine The Weekly Standard, among others.
Self (archive footage)
Acclaimed for his unfiltered reporting and deadpan humor, Andrew Callaghan brings his gonzo style reporting to the undercurrents that led to the January 6 Capitol Riot. As one of the best-known and hardest working journalists of his generation, the 25-year-old ventures on a wild RV journey through America to take the pulse of a divided nation.
Self (archive footage)
In this video, we follow a fleet of truckers dubbed ‘The People’s Convoy’ from New Mexico to Washington D.C, weaving through small truck stop towns and catching up with old friends along the way.
Self (archive footage)
This second episode of the Covidland series, The Mask, uncovers the real science behind face coverings and exploreds the physical and mental health impacts of facemasks.
Billionaire activist George Soros is one of the most influential and controversial figures of our time. He is maligned by ideologues on both the left and the right for daring to tackle the world’s problems. With unprecedented access to the man and his inner circle, director Jesse Dylan follows Soros and pulls back the curtain on his personal history, private wealth, and public activism.
Self (archive footage)
From the British Empire, to the French Revolution, to the Spanish Inquisition, the conquest of the Aztecs, the Protestant Reformation, the Rothschild banking dynasty, the American Revolutionary War and beyond, Apotheosis of Evil will take you, the viewer, on the most exhaustive, awe-inspiring and unbelievable journey through the history of Europe, through its many ups and downs, arriving at the present day. The full length documentary epic covering European history in its entirety, exploring previously unexplored avenues of history and dispelling many myths along the way. It's time to rethink everything you thought you knew.
Reader - Declaration of Independence
In recognition of the 4th of July, several celebrities and politicians of differing ideologies join to read the historic documents which laid the foundation for the United States of America.
비열한 사기꾼? 뛰어난 전략가? 트럼프 캠페인을 주도한 정치 고문 로저 스톤. 미디어를 활용해 대중을 사로잡은 그가 자신이 완성한 게임의 법칙을 낱낱이 공개한다.
From it's humble beginnings as a one night affair, the White House Correspondents' Association's annual dinner has grown into a nearly week long celebration of press, power players, celebrities and parties. A Politico reporter, Patrick Gavin, quits his job interviewing some of Washington's top policymakers and exposes a private world of excess and extravagance that is like nothing you'd ever imagine.
One man with a website who forever changed the media paradigm, upending the traditional press and changing the ground rules of political journalism.
Feature length documentary about Howard Dean and the Democratic primary.
Tucker Carlson
미국 뉴멕시코주의 작은 도시 텍시코에 사는 버드 존슨은 별다른 직업없이 낚시와 맥주를 즐기며 빈둥거리는 중년의 싱글대디다. 정신연령은 아빠보다 더 높을 것 같은 12살 딸 몰리는 이런 아빠를 대신하여 집을 돌본다. 이들의 운명이 큰 변화를 맞이하게 된 것은 바로 대통령 선거일. 선거시스템의 착오로 선거법에 따라 버드에게만 10일안에 재투표할 수 있는 권한이 주어진다. 버드에게 주어진 이 한표가 박빙의 승부를 펼치던 공화당소속 현대통령과 차기대권을 노리는 민주당 대선 후보중 누가 차기 대통령이 될지를 결정하게 된 것이다. 이제 전세계의 매스컴이 버드의 일거수일투족에 촉각을 곤두세우고, 양측 대선캠프는 버드만을 위한 대선캠페인을 펼치면서, 버드가 사는 작은 마을은 수많은 사람들로 북새통을 이루는데...
Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey threw himself into the race for Minnesota governor on January 13, 2006. His "coming out" to the media as a Hecate Witch, Satanic Dark Priest and Sanguinary Vampire grabbed international attention, and his candidacy marked the beginning of the largest amount of media coverage ever given to an unknown third party candidate running for governor in American history.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
마이클 무어는 치열했던 2000년 대선부터 시작해서 실패한 텍사스 석유재벌에서 미국 대통령이 되기까지의 부시 대통령의 가능할 것 같지 않은 일련의 역사를 거꾸로 거슬러 올라간다. 그리고 나서 마이클 무어는 대통령 일가와 측근의 가까운 친구들과 사우디 왕가와 빈 라덴 일가 사이의 개인적 우정과 사업적 연계성을 보여주며, 공개되어서는 안 될 대통령의 판도라 상자 뚜껑을 열어 제친다. 마이클 무어는 이러한 연관성이 빈 라덴 일가가 911테러 직후 광범위한 FBI의 수색 과정 없이 사우디를 벗어 날수 있도록 허가하는 결정으로 이어졌는가를 영화 내내 집요하게 파고 든다. 또한, 마이클 무어는 국가 방위의 이러한 허점과 기본적인 인권을 침해하는 “애국 법”이 제정되면서 끊임 없이 테러의 공포에 사로잡혀 있는 한 나라와의 명확한 불일치에 대해 집중한다. 또 다른 미스터리는 미국 국경은 재정부족 때문에 위험천만하게도 허술하게 방치되어 있다는 사실이다. 주된 이유는 부시 행정부가 지구반대편에 있는 이라크와의 전쟁을 준비 하는데 엄청난 재원을 할당했기 때문이다.
Britney Spears: In the Zone is a busy batch of Britney-mania, much of it featuring Spears in crisp dance numbers supplemented by behind-the-scenes glimpses and chatter. The heart of the show is an ABC television special featuring live performances of "Toxic," "Breathe on Me," and "I'm a Slave 4 U." A fun highlight is Spears's hip-hop collaboration with the Ying Yang Twins on "(I Got That) Boom Boom," one of the few numbers in the star's stage repertoire with a little room for spontaneity. Between songs one finds Spears gushing over her grandfather, praising her entourage, describing the emotional toll of being in the public eye, and writing songs.
Tucker Carlson
A semi-improvised lobbyist satire.
Self (archive footage)
Dry ice ain’t easy to come by these days. Especially in Massachusetts. But you probably had no idea, right? You think this doesn’t affect you? Think again. The shortage actually says a lot about society. Try being less ignorant next time. You’ll be alright though, here’s a tutorial(s).